China News Service, Nanjing, January 1 (Xinhua) -- When the army coat challenges the down jacket: Chinese young people wear to pursue "beauty" and "quality"

China News Service reporter Zhu Xiaoying

"It's not that down jackets can't afford to buy, military coats are more cost-effective", which has become a buzzword on the topic of "what to wear" for young Chinese people this winter. On the university campus, college students wear green military coats to class and eat; "Internet celebrity" bloggers put on cotton jackets with large flowers in the Northeast and walked the catwalks on the streets of New York, Paris and other cities. The hegemon of the winter clothing industry, isn't it fragrant?

The temperature in the north and south has been falling endlessly, and the price of down has not stopped

Recently, the topic of "domestic down jackets sold for 7000,1000 yuan (RMB, the same below)" has attracted attention. Industry insiders said that due to the rising cost of down raw materials such as duck down and goose down, as well as the rising marketing costs of enterprises, the overall price of domestic down jackets has risen significantly. Bosideng executives said that at present, Bosideng's core price band is 3000,3000 yuan to <>,<> yuan, and more than <>,<> yuan is the mainstream mid-to-high-end price band.

In contrast, categories such as military coats, flower cotton jackets, and jackets are cost-effective. A reporter from China News Service searched for "military coats" on the e-commerce platform and found that there are many types and real prices. Even if you add the shipping fee or takeaway errand fee, the price of domestic brand military coats is mostly about 100 yuan.

The high cost performance has made military coats and other items quickly become popular items. According to Meituan data, the number of merchants who have newly launched military coats has increased by 378% recently, and the monthly sales of merchants selling military coats have increased by 378.74%.

Pay for trends, social everywhere

"In the past, I always thought that military coats were worn by the elderly." Shen Li, a college student, said that he took his roommate to order a military coat together, and the six of them collectively put on the military coat and went out for a walk. "It's very popular, the return rate is super high, I took a short video, and I was asked to buy the link."

A merchant who sells military coats told a reporter from China News Service that orders for military coats are all for multiple starting auctions and group purchases, and young boys place many orders. "It's easy to understand: it may seem strange to wear it alone, but it becomes a trend for a group of people to wear it."

It is difficult to chase the wind for a long time, and "beauty" and "quality" become the core

Although many stores urgently put military coats on the shelves, in the view of Zhang Fang, a researcher at Meituan Research Institute, although military coats are cost-effective, in the long run, their single design style and lack of brand operation and maintenance make it difficult to have the potential of fashion dark horses. He said: "Even if military coats and other contrarian trends have become popular recently, the traces of impulsive consumption in groups are obvious. It remains to be seen whether the consumption of chasing the wind can last for a long time. ”

On the other hand, practices such as going to fashion week, finding top-notch endorsements, and co-branding have become the "template" for the high-end of domestic down jacket brands. However, for ordinary consumers, product cost performance is still the most concerned element. Once the brand positioning and price tag exceed the range of consumer perception and acceptance, young people will easily turn their heads to diversified replacement.

Recently, lambswool coats, Fair Island sweaters, retro style padded jackets, etc., which are diverse and affordable at affordable prices, have also become fashion categories sought after by young people. On the basis of cost performance, after the topic effect and crowd effect are generated, it is easy to break out new consumption hotspots.

"Old wear" leads the "new trend", and the return of military coats reflects the return of young consumers' rational and pragmatic consumption concepts. It has become the mainstream label of young people's clothing at present, and it is also the core password for future winter clothing track merchants to seize the customer group and seize the market. (ENDS)