Nanchang, December 12 (CNN) -- The opening of the Huangchang section of the Hangzhou-Changzhou high-speed railway, all 27 districted cities in Jiangxi have entered the "high-speed rail era"

Author: Liu Zhankun, Wu Pengshan

41 years ago, the 45 kilometers per hour Anhui-Jiangxi Railway was finally put into operation after many stops, demolitions and resumption of work in 50 years, becoming the first railway channel connecting Anhui and Jiangxi provinces, and the second largest railway channel in East China after the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway.

Forty-one years later, after five years of construction, the Huangchang section of the Hangzhou-Changzhou high-speed railway, with a design speed of 41 kilometers per hour, has added another fast railway channel between Anhui and Jiangxi provinces, providing power support for the construction of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the Poyang Lake Economic Circle.

The picture shows the schematic diagram of the Huangchang section of the Hangzhou-Changzhou high-speed railway. Lu Yicheng (Photo courtesy of Nanchang Railway)

At 2023:12 on December 27, 9, with the first G08 train leaving the brand-new Nanchang East Station, the Huangchang section of the Hangchang high-speed railway was officially put into operation.

The new Hangchang high-speed railway Huangchang section starts from Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, passes through Shangrao City, Jingdezhen City, passes through Qimen County, Yixian County, Anhui Province, and ends in Huangshan City, the line is 288 kilometers long, and the whole line has 10 stations in Nanchang East, Jinxian North, Yugan, Poyang, Leping North, Jingdezhen North, Fuliang East, Qimen South, Yixian East, and Huangshan North, connecting the famous cities, towns, lakes and mountains of Jiangxi and Anhui provinces, and the beautiful scenery along the way is dizzying, and it is a world-class golden tourism line with both "Chinese flavor" and "international style".

According to Yang Bin, deputy director of the passenger transport department of China Railway Nanchang Bureau Group Co., Ltd., in the early stage of the opening of the Huangchang section of the Hangzhou-Changzhou high-speed railway, the railway department will arrange passenger trains according to the daily line and weekend line, and the maximum number of locomotive trains will be 32 per day. Among them, the fastest between Nanchang East and Jingdezhen North and Huangshan North stations is 49 minutes and 1 hour and 45 minutes respectively. After the adjustment of the train timetable in the first quarter of 2024, the maximum number of daily trains between Hangzhou West and Nanchang East Station will reach 12.

On December 2023, 12, the high-speed railway in trial operation passed the Poyang Lake Bridge in the Huangchang section of the Hangchang high-speed railway. (Data map) photo by Zhang Mengfei

All 11 districted cities in Jiangxi Province have entered the "high-speed rail era"

Jiangxi connects the east and west, connects the north and the south, and connects the river to the sea, and is the only province in the country that is adjacent to the Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta, and the southeast Fujian Triangle at the same time. In recent years, the construction of Jiangxi railway has changed with each passing day, and it has been rapidly integrated into the national high-speed rail network with the trend of "catching up", continuously improving the main passenger transport channel, and the important channels included in the national "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed railway network have been basically formed.

Beijing-Hong Kong (Taiwan) Passage Anjiu, Changjiang, Ganshen, Hefu, Changfu Railway, Shanghai-Kunming Passage Hangzhou Long Section, Xiamen-Chongqing Passage Ganruilong, Yanjiang Passage Anjiu Railway have been completed and opened to traffic, "three horizontal and one vertical" high-speed railway network in Jiangxi this rich land to write a "Feng" word.

The Huangchang section of the Hangzhou-Changzhou high-speed railway is an important horizontal of the H-shaped high-speed railway network with a design speed of 350 kilometers per hour in northeast Jiangxi, and is also an important supplement to the connectivity of the national "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed railway network. After the opening of operation, the mileage of Jiangxi railway will exceed 5000,2239 kilometers, including <>,<> kilometers of high-speed railway.

"The Huangchang section of the Hangchang high-speed railway has 7 stations in Jiangxi Province, with an average distance of 32.5 kilometers, which is the densest spacing between high-speed rail stations at a speed of 350 kilometers per hour in Jiangxi Province." Ma Shuisheng, director of the engineering management department of Changjiu Intercity Railway Company, the construction unit of the Huangchang section of the Hangzhou-Changzhou high-speed railway, introduced that the opening and operation of the Huangchang section of the Hangzhou-Changzhou high-speed railway has ended the history of the 350-kilometer-per-hour high-speed rail in the four counties and one city of Fuliang, Leping, Yugan, Poyang and Jingdezhen in Jiangxi Province, and the 11 districts and cities in Jiangxi Province have all entered the "high-speed rail era".

The picture shows the brand-new Nanchang East Railway Station. (Data map) photo by Zhang Mengfei

The advantages of the "Greater Nanchang" high-speed rail hub are further demonstrated

As the intersection point of the Huangchang section of the Beijing-Kowloon, Shanghai-Kunming and Hangzhou-Changzhou high-speed railways, the transportation location of Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province, has made it a strategic fulcrum city for the rise of the central region, an important central city of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, an important node city of the "Belt and Road", and also the confidence of Nanchang as one of the "top ten dynamic cities in the world".

After the opening of the Huangchang section of the Hangzhou-Changzhou high-speed railway, Nanchang City has formed a "diamond-shaped" passenger station layout with Nanchang Station, Nanchang West Station, Nanchang East Station, supplemented by Nanchang South Station, and the four stations have built a comprehensive transportation network through Shanghai-Kunming, Beijing-Hong Kong, Hangchang, Changfu, Changjiu and other railways to build a comprehensive transportation network of north-to-south, connecting the east and west, and attracting from outside to the inside, and has become one of the few hubs in China where three high-speed railways with a speed of 350 kilometers per hour meet, and the advantages of the high-speed rail hub of "Greater Nanchang" are further demonstrated.

"Originally, every time I went on a business trip, I had to go to Nanchang West Station to take a car, and I drove for 1 hour, but now I can take a car at the door of my home, and the shared bicycle will be there in 5 minutes." Located in Nanchang County, Nanchang City, Nanchang South Railway Station is connected to the Huangchang section of the Hangchang high-speed railway through a 29-kilometer contact line, and the Huangchang section of the Hangchang high-speed railway is opened to handle passenger business simultaneously, which makes Zhu Chilong, sales manager of Jiangxi Huajie Animal Husbandry Company, very happy.

Since the company's headquarters is in Xiamen, Fujian, he praises the convenience of frequent travel between Nanchang and Xiamen. "After the opening of Nanchang South Railway Station, it will be more convenient for the company to receive customers and communicate with foreign countries, and the company will have closer contact with customers in Shenzhen and other places, and the sales channels of the company's products are bound to be wider."

With the opening of the Huangchang section of the Hangzhou-Changzhou high-speed railway, Nanchang's "1, 2, 3" hour urban travel circle has been basically formed, and the northeast region of Jiangxi has a fast railway channel that reaches all directions.

On December 2023, 12, the high-speed railway in trial operation passed through Jingdezhen National Forest Park in Jiangxi Province in the Huangchang section of the Hangchang high-speed railway. (Data map) photo by Zhang Mengfei

"High-speed rail + tourism" activates the new IP of cultural tourism and injects new vitality into the old area

Jiangxi has a rich cultural heritage and rich intangible cultural heritage resources, ceramic culture, academy culture, Hakka culture, traditional Chinese medicine culture accumulation, Jiangxi poetry school, Jiangxi painting school, Jiangxi opera charm is unique. In recent years, with the continuous weaving of Jiangxi's railway network, the tourism industry featuring human history, natural landscapes and red culture has continuously injected new development vitality into the old area.

This year's "5.19 China Tourism Day" Jiangxi branch of the launching ceremony was held in Nanchang, Hangzhou-Changzhou high-speed rail along the Huangchang section of the four cities of Nanchang, Shangrao, Jingdezhen and Huangshan officially signed the "Changjingrao Huang" tourism alliance strategic cooperation framework agreement.

After the opening of the Huangchang section of the Hangzhou-Changzhou high-speed railway, it will further promote the "high-speed rail +" industrial integration model, and jointly promote the layout of the "high-speed rail +" new business format, so that more good mountains and rivers in Jiangxi will go out, attract more tourists to come in, and will also activate a number of "new cultural tourism IPs" with Jiangxi temperament.

With the continuous upgrading of the railway network, the unique heritage and value of Jingdezhen have gradually been rediscovered, and more and more designers, artists, young students and "makers" who love porcelain and pursue their dreams have gathered here and become "new Jingdezhen people". They bring ideas, cultures, and lifestyles from all over the world here, continuing the "inheritance" and "innovation".

"After the opening of the Huangchang section of the Hangzhou-Changzhou high-speed railway, the existing station Jingdezhen North Station has changed from an ordinary section station to a hub station, and the maximum passenger flow is expected to reach 9000,6 people in a single day." Lu Xiaojun, the stationmaster of Jingdezhen North Station, introduced. At present, there are more than 25,<> people in the "Jingpiao" group, and it is still growing at a rate of about <>% every year.

From the 45 km/h Anhui-Jiangxi Railway, to the 200 km/h Jiujingqu Railway, to the 350 km/h Huangchang section of the Hangzhou-Changzhou High-speed Railway, the "times step" of the Gansu-Po Plain is steady and powerful. The Huangchang section of the Hangzhou-Changzhou high-speed railway has been speeding all the way to promote the economic transformation and upgrading of Jiangxi, the old area, build a highland for reform and opening up in the inland area, and actively serve and integrate into the new development pattern. (ENDS)