• Politics Pedro Sánchez seeks with his new anti-crisis package a "majority that guarantees stability" and isolates PP and Vox

The Council of Ministers is holding its last meeting of the year on Wednesday, at which it will approve a new royal decree law with a package of measures to tackle inflation and the impact of the war in Ukraine.

Pedro Sánchez will announce the agreed measures at a press conference from 12:00, but we already know some keys. We detail them.

Public transport bonus for all

The PSOE wanted aid to public transport to be selective, focused on minors, young people and the unemployed, as announced by Pedro Sánchez in his investiture speech. However, Sumar has exerted pressure and managed to make the public transport bonus for everyone, as sources in the negotiations have confirmed to EL MUNDO.

However, the details of this rebate remain to be known, such as what means of transport it will involve and the amount or percentage of the rebate.

Until now, the Government has subsidised the price of public transport passes and multi-trip tickets - free buses and trains for regular users - and 30% for public transport in other administrations as long as they commit to increasing this discount to 50%.

VAT on electricity goes from 5% to 10%

The government will increase VAT on electricity from the current 5% to 10%. The Treasury decided to lower it from the usual 21% to 10% from July 2021 and in September of the same year left it at 5%.

VAT rebate on food extended

What will be maintained is the abolition of VAT on basic foodstuffs, which applies among them to bread, flour, milk, cheese and eggs. This VAT elimination will be in force for at least six more months, until June.

The reduction from 10% to 5% of VAT on oil and pasta will also be maintained for six more years.

Suspension of evictions extended

Similarly, the Executive will extend the suspension of evictions and evictions of primary residences for vulnerable individuals and families.

Discounts of the electricity social bonus

The increase in the discounts of the electricity social bonus is also extended. Specifically, the social bonus was extended to those consumers whose joint annual income of the cohabitation unit was equal to or less than 2 times the IPREM of 14 payments (16,800 euros) and greater than 1.5 times the IPREM of 14 payments (12,600 euros).

Currently, the discount varies between 65% and 80%, depending on the vulnerable situation of the families.

In addition, the shut-off of essential supplies will continue to be prohibited.

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