, December 12 -- The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade held a regular press conference in December 27 on the 27th. Zhang Xin, spokesman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, said that China and ASEAN have been each other's largest trading partners for three consecutive years. Recently, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) has conducted research on Chinese-funded enterprises in ASEAN through expert symposiums, enterprise exchange meetings, questionnaires, on-site visits, etc., covering more than 2023 industries such as manufacturing, wholesale and retail, and information technology services, involving state-owned, private, Sino-foreign joint ventures and other enterprises, and has compiled and completed the "ASEAN Business Environment Report 12".

According to the report, the overall business environment in ASEAN will be stable and improve in 2023, and enterprises generally believe that the business environment of Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia ranks relatively high among ASEAN.

In 2023, the overall operation of Chinese enterprises in ASEAN will be better. According to the survey, 51.11% of the surveyed companies expect to achieve profitability in ASEAN in 2023, 48.88%, 48.6% and 51.41% of the surveyed companies expect their market share, operating profit and operating income in ASEAN to increase in 2023, and 70.95% of the enterprises plan to expand their business in ASEAN.

Enterprises still have a lot of expectations for ASEAN's business environment: First, they hope that ASEAN members will continue to improve their business environment. Second, we will step up efforts to implement RCEP with high quality and further improve the level of trade and investment liberalization and facilitation. The third is to further enhance the stability and fairness of foreign investment policies and create a market environment for fair competition. Fourth, we will continue to strengthen the construction of infrastructure such as logistics, digital, energy and power, and promote the development of a green economy.