, December 12 According to the news of the city's Xinyu WeChat public account, the New Year's Day and the Spring Festival are approaching, and the recent heavy rain, snow and cold wave weather are frequent, in order to fully protect the people to spend a happy and peaceful New Year, the State Administration for Market Regulation issued the "Notice on Focusing on Stabilizing the Price and Quality of Important People's Livelihood Commodities during the New Year's Day and Spring Festival in 18" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), focusing on fully ensuring that the masses can spend the holiday with peace of mind, and establishing a regulatory list of four categories: food, industrial products, life services, and drugs. Deploy and carry out the supervision of the price and quality of important livelihood commodities during the New Year's Day and Spring Festival in 2024.

The "Notice" requires that we should pay close attention to weather changes, attach great importance to the impact of recent heavy rain, snow and cold wave weather on the price and quality of important livelihood commodities, and do a good job in analysis and early warning and risk research and judgment. Establish and improve emergency plans, and prepare in advance for possible abnormal market price fluctuations and commodity supply shortages. Strengthen inspections and overall scheduling, severely crack down on all kinds of illegal acts in accordance with the law, ensure the people's living needs, and earnestly maintain market price stability, quality and safety.

The "Notice" pointed out that it is necessary to pay close attention to key areas of people's livelihood consumption such as "rice bags", "vegetable baskets", "fruit plates" and "stoves", and do a good job in online and offline price monitoring around rice noodles, rape, meat, eggs and milk, Chinese New Year's Eve rice, culture and entertainment, hotel accommodation, transportation and logistics, coal, electricity, oil and gas, and medicines for colds and fevers, frostbite, bruises, and injuries, strengthen price data collection, pay close attention to price fluctuation trends, and do a good job in tracking, analyzing, and judging.

The "Notice" requires that we should pay close attention to the emerging and trending problems that have appeared in the early stage, estimate in advance the potential risks that may affect the market order, and effectively increase the supervision of the prices of key livelihood commodities. It is necessary to increase the frequency of market inspections, strictly investigate and deal with price gouging, price collusion, price fraud, failure to clearly mark prices in accordance with regulations, and other violations of laws and regulations, so as to maintain the order of market prices at the end of the year and the beginning of the year.

The "Notice" emphasizes that it is necessary to give full play to the role of the working mechanism of the end force, tighten and consolidate the territorial management responsibility of food safety and the main responsibility of the enterprise, accurately prevent and control risks, resolutely put an end to the sale of expired, corrupt, counterfeit and shoddy food, and strictly prevent the occurrence of regional and systemic food safety problems. It is necessary to intensify the investigation of key product quality and safety hazards, focus on industrial agglomeration areas, wholesale markets and rural markets, implement "ledger" management, and effectively prevent and resolve key product quality and safety risks. Supervise and urge production and sales units to strictly implement the requirements of the "daily control, weekly inspection, and monthly scheduling" mechanism, and strictly control the source of product quality and safety. Intensify spot checks in the circulation of key consumer goods such as "one old and one small" supplies, and achieve early detection, early reporting, early warning, and early disposal of potential product quality and safety hazards.