Yantai, December 12 (Yang Bing, Yang Funing) After a snowfall, the apple base in Qianfajuan Village, Zangjiazhuang Town, Fushan District, Yantai, Shandong Province ushered in the last batch of "snow apples" picking.

The picture shows a farmer sorting apples. Photo by Liu Weifang

"Our apples are not on sale, and the price is higher than the average market price." Zeng Xianbao, deputy mayor of Zangjiazhuang Town and former head of Fajuan Village, said.

It is reported that in 2017, the former Fajuan Village was led by the village party branch and established the Fajuan Valley Fragrant Fruit Professional Cooperative, where farmers invested in the cooperative with land, and implemented large-scale operation and standardized production through unified land circulation.

In order to solve the five "aging" problems of tree age, variety, team, concept and model, the cooperative docked with the enterprise and started a "digital orchard", unified update of varieties, and improve the level of mechanization and automation of orchard management.

"Digital Orchard" comprehensively applies digital technology to achieve full coverage of high-definition rotatable cameras and 24-hour monitoring of the whole process of fruit production, which can obtain real-time information such as air temperature and humidity, soil moisture, soil temperature, light intensity, wind speed and direction, rainfall, insect diseases and other information of the orchard, making apple planting more efficient.

At the same time, the "digital orchard" also codes the process of fruit tree seedlings, planting, farming, harvesting, testing, processing, and sales, so as to realize the "one chain" coding tracking.

"As long as you scan the QR code, you can see the time and amount of watering, spraying, fertilization and other data at a glance, which is also the key to many customers working with our orchards." Zeng Xianbao said.

Up to now, the cooperative's orchard area has reached 230 acres, covering 8 new varieties and 3 traditional varieties, and the yield rate of high-quality fruits in the orchard has reached 80% to 90%, which is exported to the Netherlands, Singapore and other countries.

It is reported that Zangjiazhuang Town has the title of "China's No. 1 Fuji Apple Town". In recent years, the local area has also introduced the model of "agriculture and light complementation" to explore the cultivation of Chinese medicinal materials, and at the same time cultivated lobster farming, Shannong pear demonstration garden, sweet melon and other characteristic agricultural projects, expanding the industrial field and improving economic benefits. (ENDS)