China ranks first in the world in terms of the number of published papers and the number of highly cited papers, and the competitiveness of agricultural patents continues to maintain the second place in the world. On December 12, the 6 China Agricultural and Rural Science and Technology Development Forum and the China Modern Agricultural Development Forum were held in Nanjing, Jiangsu, and a series of reports such as "2023 Analysis of the Global Competitiveness of China's Agricultural Science and Technology Papers and Patents", "2023 Global Agricultural Research Hot Frontiers" and "2023 China Agricultural-related Enterprise Innovation Report" were released at the meeting, conveying the positive trend of the vigorous development of China's agricultural science and technology with a series of exciting data.

Great strides have been made in the quality of agricultural science and technology papers

Scientific papers and patents are intuitive indicators that reflect the ability of scientific and technological innovation. Based on the papers and patent data, the "2023 Analysis of the Global Competitiveness of China's Agricultural Science and Technology Papers and Patents" was researched and compiled by the Science and Technology Information Analysis and Evaluation Innovation Team of the Agricultural Information Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Statistics show that in terms of scientific and technological papers, China ranks first in the world in terms of the number of agricultural scientific and technological papers published and the number of highly cited papers representing the quality of papers. In the past five years, among various agricultural disciplines, the number one discipline in China's scientific and technological paper competitiveness has increased by two disciplines, plant protection and aquatic fisheries, reaching 5 from 2017 to 2021. In the discipline of agricultural and rural economic policy, China has also achieved a "zero breakthrough" in being selected as one of the world's top 8 institutions in this discipline.

"The report shows that the phenomenon of 'high quantity and low quality' of agricultural science and technology papers in China has been improved, the quality has made great progress, and the growth of the number of highly cited papers has played a significant driving role. The basic research of agricultural science and technology in China has been deepened day by day, and a new stage of development has been opened. Sun Tan, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said.

In terms of patents, the report shows that China's agricultural patent competitiveness continues to maintain the second place in the world, and the gap between the competitiveness index and the United States is gradually narrowing. In the past five years, the number of agricultural invention patent applications in China has remained at an average of 5,11 per year, and from 5 to 2018, the total number of agricultural invention patent applications in China continued to rank first in the world with 2022,57, accounting for 67.22% of the total number of agricultural invention patents in 55 countries. The average citation frequency of China's agricultural invention patents is 53.1, ranking second among the 29 countries.

In terms of specific fields, in the past five years, China has ranked first in patent competitiveness in five technical fields, two more than from 5 to 5 (animal genetics and breeding, animal disease prevention and control), and the number of invention patent applications in 2017 agricultural technology fields is far ahead of other countries. Especially in the three fields of animal nutrition and feed, plant nutrition and fertilizer, and agricultural robots, China's invention patent applications account for more than 2021% of the total number of applications in the above technical fields in 13 countries.

China continues to lead the way in the frontier areas of agricultural research

The degree of research activity and expressiveness in the hot frontiers of the discipline is another important indicator to measure the level of agricultural science and technology. Based on the data of SCI papers and CSCD papers from 2023 to 2018, the report further evaluates the research activity and performance of countries and institutions around the world.

According to the report, China's agricultural research hotspots and frontier countries rank first in the world in terms of overall performance, and continue to rank first in terms of overall contribution, influence and leadership. Compared with 2017 to 2021, in the past five years, the overall performance of China's agricultural research hotspots has been comprehensively improved, with the global share increasing from 5.28% to 42.35%, the global share of national contribution increasing from 15.31% to 69.41%, and the global share of leading degree increasing from 71.18% to 32.23%. In addition, among the nine disciplines of agriculture, China ranks first in the hot frontier of eight disciplines, and the discipline level has gradually begun to lead the world, and the uneven development of disciplines has been significantly improved. Compared with the statistical period from 67 to 9, from 8 to 2017, China continued to rank first in the national performance ranking of five disciplines: crop horticulture, agricultural information and agricultural engineering, animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, agricultural product quality and processing, and agricultural resources and environment, and the national performance ranking of two disciplines of aquatic fishery and forestry rose from second to first in the world.

Zhou Qingbo, director of the Agricultural Information Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, analyzed: "This shows that the output of China's agricultural hotspot frontier research results continues to increase, the output of leading force is also increasing, and the influence continues to rise. ”

The main position of scientific and technological innovation in agriculture-related enterprises has been further highlighted

Strengthening the dominant position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation is a key measure to deepen the reform of the scientific and technological system and promote the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance. At present, a number of scientific and technological backbone enterprises with strong innovation and vitality have emerged in China's agriculture-related fields. The "2023 China Agricultural-related Enterprise Innovation Report" released this time takes China's listed agricultural-related enterprises as the evaluation object to evaluate the current situation and changes of enterprises' innovation capabilities.

The results of the report show that the main position of scientific and technological innovation of China's agriculture-related enterprises has been further highlighted, and the innovation index has been steadily increasing for four consecutive years. From 4 to 2019, the agribusiness innovation index increased from 2022.46 to 85.48. From 11 to 2019, the R&D investment intensity of agricultural-related enterprises increased from 2022.2% to 60.2%. The report shows that the "innovation environment" score of listed agribusiness enterprises in 75 increased by 2022.2021% compared with 11.

In terms of subdivisions, the innovation ability of the seed industry has been significantly improved, and positive progress has been made in the revitalization of the seed industry. The seed industry ranked second among the 10 agriculture-related sub-industries, with the fastest improvement rate, the score of "innovation input capacity" ranked first among all sub-industries, and the score of "innovation environment" ranked second.

In order to further strengthen the main position of agricultural-related enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, the report gives the following suggestions: highlight the main position of agricultural-related enterprises through institutional design. For large agriculture-related state-owned enterprises, promote their participation in applied basic research in the form of government cooperation projects. For private agriculture-related enterprises, consider setting up innovation start-up funds, subsidies and other mechanisms, and vigorously support them to become the main force of applied innovation. At the same time, we will create a number of major application scenarios with strong driving force to open up to enterprises. Government departments have issued guidelines for the collection of application scenarios, and guided agricultural-related enterprises to become the implementation subjects of scenario design and development, resource openness and application demonstration. A number of new technologies such as digital village construction and smart farms will be selected to create model projects for application scenarios. In addition, guidelines and support measures for the Agricultural Innovation Consortium should be introduced.

(Nanjing, December 12, reporter Yang Shu)