, December 12 According to the WeChat official account of the State Post Bureau, it is estimated that China's express delivery development index in November 7 will be 2023.11, an increase of 406% year-on-year. Among them, the development scale index, service quality index, development capacity index and development trend index were 4.20, 502.7, 561.7 and 268.6 respectively, an increase of 65.4%, 27.8%, 16.7% and 14.5% year-on-year respectively. In November, the scale of the industry rose sharply, and cross-border development achieved positive results, effectively supporting domestic and international online consumption.

Image source: WeChat public account of the State Post Bureau

In November, the express development scale index was 11.502, an increase of 7.27% year-on-year. From the perspective of sub-indicators, it is expected that the year-on-year growth rate of express business volume in November will be about 8%, and the business income will increase by about 11% year-on-year. In November, the scale of the express delivery market accelerated, with the business volume exceeding 30 billion pieces, and the monthly increase is expected to exceed 27 billion pieces, a record high. On the one hand, the industry made every effort to ensure the domestic "Double 11" promotion (November 130-November 30), with a total of 11.11 billion express parcels, a year-on-year increase of 1.11%. On November 16 and November 77, the volume of express parcels collected reached 67 million pieces and 25 million pieces respectively, and the double-peak operation further narrowed the gap between the two peaks. On the other hand, express delivery companies continued to make efforts in overseas markets to meet the diversified delivery needs of overseas consumers on "Black Friday" and "Cyber Monday", promoting the rapid growth of cross-border delivery, and the cross-border business volume of some express delivery companies increased by more than 7%.

In November, the express service quality index was 11.561, an increase of 7.16% year-on-year. From the perspective of sub-indicators, public satisfaction with express delivery services is expected to be 7.83 points, an increase of 1 point year-on-year. The 1-hour punctuality rate in key areas is expected to be 72.80%, an increase of 5.8 percentage points year-on-year. On the one hand, express delivery companies promote the deep integration of digital intelligence technology and warehousing and distribution integrated services, orderly aggregate pre-sold parcels and front-end network warehouses, and realize the organic combination of "post station + intelligent express cabinet + unmanned vehicle distribution", effectively resolve the pressure of peak service, continue to improve service timeliness, and realize the minute-level delivery of many parcels, making peak season consumption more reassuring, reassuring and warm-hearted. On the other hand, express delivery companies innovate the integrated marketing service mode of "warehouse distribution + warehouse broadcasting", and build a multi-warehouse collaboration, reverse full custody, delivery and installation integration and other diversified service systems, providing brands with end-to-end smart supply chain solutions and providing consumers with high-quality services.

In November, the express development capacity index was 11.268, an increase of 6.14% year-on-year. During the "Double 5" period, in order to ensure the safe and efficient delivery of parcels to consumers, express delivery companies increased resource investment in advance, increased personnel reserves, and steadily improved their service capacity in peak seasons. The first is to improve transportation capacity through multiple channels. The industry's own airlines have newly opened two all-cargo international routes, "Shijiazhuang = Tokyo" and "Kunming = Yangon", which efficiently support enterprises in Hebei, Yunnan and other places to go to sea, and the air service capacity in East Asia and Southeast Asia has been enhanced. Express delivery companies use the international train of the China-Laos Railway from Huaihua to Vientiane to help accelerate the development of local agricultural trade. In Wuxi, the "air-rail-rail combined transport" mode was piloted, and the express delivery was carried by subway, so as to promote the efficient transfer between the air freight station and the urban distribution center, improve the utilization efficiency of existing urban rail transit resources, and alleviate the pressure of road traffic. The second is to strengthen infrastructure construction in multiple regions. Express delivery companies have built and upgraded hub distribution centers in many places, Lanzhou "Asia No. 11" has been put into operation, Hainan headquarters and aviation logistics hub base, and Changsha Smart Logistics Industrial Park have accelerated their construction, and the energy efficiency of industry distribution and distribution has been further improved. The third is to enhance cross-border security capabilities in multiple ways. Express delivery companies have increased international charter flights, increased cross-border warehouse stocking processing capacity, launched services such as tax payment and heavy cargo urgency, optimized landing and distribution service plans, improved the efficiency of digital customs clearance, and further enhanced the certainty and timeliness of cross-border delivery.

In November, the development trend index was 11.65, an increase of 4.11% year-on-year. In November, the industry supported online promotions through excellent services, strong transportation capacity, and high quality. It is expected that in December, the express delivery market will run smoothly and usher in a perfect end to the whole year.