, December 12 (China News Financial Reporter Wu Jiaju) From an empty venue to an exhibition hall full of tourists; From an initial idea, to an event that attracts visitors. Behind the unique exhibitions, it is inseparable from the efforts of exhibition companies.

Headquartered in Lyon, France, GL Events is a company that provides total solutions for events and exhibitions. In recent years, GL Events has continued to serve the Chinese market, and has provided services and support for the Beijing Olympic Games and the Shanghai World Expo.

Recently, Inès Gino, President of GL Events & Exhibitions Greater China, was interviewed by China News Finance.

"Our steady development is due to a good cooperative relationship with our Chinese partners"

"China is a big market, and it's very important for us to have access to the Chinese market."

According to Genus, since entering the Chinese market, GL Exhibitions has successfully carried out the layout of three business segments in China: event and sports event operation, exhibition hosting and venue management, and the three business segments have developed steadily in the Chinese market.

She said that at present, GL Greater China has more than 20 companies and more than 750 employees, covering more than 15 cities, hosting an average exhibition area of more than 90,300 square meters per year, and serving more than 3 events and events every year. In addition, GL Events operates and manages 10 venues in China and provides services for more than <> professional exhibition halls.

According to Genus, GL Events' growth in the Chinese market is due to the good relationships we have established with our Chinese partners. She said that when it comes to venue management, GL Exhibitions works closely with government holding companies in various cities. In terms of event organising, GL Events also focuses on finding local partners who have a better understanding of the Chinese market, while GL Events can bring more international perspectives to the event.

According to Ginasi, since 2017, GL Events has increased its investment in the Chinese market, formulated and further promoted the "Glocal (Global+Local)" global localization strategy, and combined its own products with local technologies to provide products and services tailored to local conditions for the local market while continuously increasing investment and construction in the Chinese market.

"We will not change the way we do business in China, the Chinese exhibition industry has a lot of market space, and we have a broad space for development in the Chinese market."

"We will continue to promote the concept of green exhibitions in China"

"There's a lot more we can do in terms of sustainability. Many initiatives may seem small, but they can have a big impact on the outcome. ”

In recent years, sustainability has become the focus of attention in all walks of life. In Ginas's view, the exhibition industry can start from many details to promote the sustainable development of the industry.

According to Genus, the MICE industry has more options for reusable materials. For example, reducing the use of plastic bottles in favor of glass bottles; The booth will be reused year after year. She also said that the MICE industry can reduce the number of vehicles and reduce carbon emissions by effectively managing the traffic around the venue and the construction and layout of the venue itself.

At the same time, Genus believes that the exhibition industry can link the exhibition content more with green energy, such as hydrogen energy, photovoltaics, etc., and reduce energy consumption in the use of venues. For example, she said, one of the venues managed by GL Events in Taiyuan was equipped with photovoltaic panels on the roof, giving the venue greater autonomy in terms of power supply.

According to Ginasi, GL Events will continue to practice and continue to promote the concept of green exhibitions in China in the coming years.

"Digital technology will not lead to the disappearance of the exhibition industry"

With the development of digital technology, it is becoming easier to communicate across regions and borders.

Genus said that digital technology will help the development of the exhibition industry. Digital tools can help us better connect with people. In the past, the event was held once a year, but now people have access to more digital tools and can connect with stakeholders more often throughout the year. At the same time, people can also use digital tools to gather information to better serve customers and connect to the right people at the right time.

She said that digital technology has made our event experience more fun and better, but digital technology will not lead to the disappearance of the exhibition industry.

"At the end of the day, people still need to meet in person to do business. You need to be able to meet people, you need to be able to see the product with your own eyes, you need to be able to touch the product with your own hands. (ENDS)