China News Service, Beijing, December 12 (Reporter Wang Enbo) In the face of more than 5 representatives of Chinese and European business institutions and business associations who held dialogues in Beijing, Li Chunlin, deputy director of China's National Development and Reform Commission, said on the 5th that he hoped that European companies would continue to be at the forefront of cooperation with China and promote green to become the most distinctive background color of China-EU cooperation.

On the eve of the 24th EU-China Summit, the "China-EU Partnership Dialogue: Shaping New Momentum for Green Development" event was held in Beijing on the same day. In his speech, Li Chunlin said that China-EU relations are not only related to China and the EU, but also of great significance to the world. Cooperation between the two sides is far greater than competition, consensus is far greater than differences, and protectionism harms the interests of China and the EU.

On December 12, the "China-EU Partnership Dialogue: Shaping New Momentum for Green Development" event co-hosted by the Department of International Affairs of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the Foreign Affairs Office of the Beijing Municipal People's Government was held in Beijing. Photo by China News Service reporter Wang Enbo

He pointed out that European companies have been deeply involved in China's reform and opening up process, and have made positive contributions to China's economic development for more than 40 years. Today's Chinese economy is deeply integrated into the world and has become an important engine for global trade and economic recovery. It is hoped that European companies will continue to maintain this pioneering spirit, work more closely with Chinese partners, explore more new businesses and new business formats, and add more wonderful strokes to the historical scroll of China-EU cooperation.

There is great potential for China-EU green cooperation, and high hopes are placed on it. Li Chunlin stressed that to address the major challenges of climate change and promote green and low-carbon transformation, the international community needs to actively seek the greatest common divisor, respect national conditions, abandon prejudices, and work together.

He mentioned that European companies are leading in wind power, hydrogen energy, integrated energy solutions, petrochemical decarbonization, building energy efficiency, carbon capture, utilization and storage, etc., and China and Europe have strong industrial complementarity and broad market space in building a new energy system and promoting low-carbon and zero-carbon technologies. We welcome European companies to continue to deepen their efforts in the Chinese market, actively participate in China's green and low-carbon development process, work together to build a clean and beautiful world, and inject more impetus into world economic recovery and growth.

Li Chunlin also expressed the hope that the role of the dialogue between China and the EU will be brought into full play as a bridge and link. China will unswervingly expand high-level opening-up, strive to address the concerns of foreign-funded enterprises in China, continue to create a first-class business environment for foreign-funded enterprises, including European enterprises, and support better and greater development. (ENDS)