, Beijing, December 12 (Reporter Song Yusheng Li Jinlei) planting ecological crops under photovoltaic panels to create a new way of "breeding under the shed and generating electricity on the shed"; generating green electricity through high-altitude wind energy; Turning straw into ethanol and then into jet fuel... In the clean energy chain exhibition area of the first Chain Expo, such a "clean energy picture" showed a green ecological picture for the audience.

"Pastoral and light complementation" produces a double part of green

In the grasslands of Inner Mongolia, "animal husbandry and photovoltaic complementation" is becoming a new model for the coordinated development of energy development and animal husbandry.

The so-called "animal husbandry and photovoltaic complementation" is to combine solar photovoltaic conversion power generation with breeding pastures, and plant pasture grass for grazing under solar photovoltaic panels, so as to create a new way of "breeding under the shed and generating electricity on the shed".

Ye Jianqun, general manager of Shuangliang New Energy Technology (Baotou) Co., Ltd., introduced that this model is also gradually explored in the process of photovoltaic construction.

"We found that the photovoltaic panels can withstand the strong sun in the summer, the temperature of the photovoltaic panels drops faster in the evening, and some of the dew can drip through the photovoltaic panels to the pasture, which is more conducive to the growth of pastures. At the same time, livestock such as cattle and sheep can shuttle around under the photovoltaic panels. ”

Courtesy of Shuangliang

Ye Jianqun told reporters that "animal husbandry and photovoltaic complementation" makes full use of the existing grassland land and promotes the better development of animal husbandry. "The combination of the two, we get not only green electricity, but also green pasture that grows under green electricity, so that there is more green animal husbandry and double green."

Today, China's PV industry accounts for more than 75% of the global PV module market. As a participant in the industrial chain, Ye Jianqun believes that China's photovoltaic industry chain should be the world's photovoltaic industry chain.

He told reporters that in the development of China's photovoltaic industry chain, Chinese enterprises have not only reduced costs and improved efficiency, but also updated very quickly in the field of manufacturing equipment and technical routes. However, this does not mean that China's PV industry can exist independently from the world's PV industry chain.

Ye Jianqun said that in the field of photovoltaic industry, domestic enterprises will cooperate with foreign companies in the joint research and development of new technology routes and the application of different equipment. "In the future, including in the process of continuing to extend downstream, there will be a lot of room for synergy with the international market and other countries."

A new way to make energy "clean".

At the site of the Chain Expo, the reporter also noticed many innovative clean energy projects.

China Energy Construction booth showcased high-altitude wind power generation projects. In Jixi, Anhui Province, China Energy Construction Co., Ltd. participated in the investment, construction and operation of the first high-altitude wind energy project in China, using the umbrella ladder structure parachute group to absorb high-altitude wind energy, and then drive the ground machine to rotate through the cable, converting wind energy into mechanical energy and then into electrical energy. The project is in the construction phase and is expected to be powered by high-altitude wind power this year.

The picture shows the audience visiting the "City of the Future" model on the booth of China Energy Construction. Photo by Chinanews reporter Li Jun

In addition, China Energy Construction has implemented a number of 300 MW compressed air energy storage demonstration projects in Yingcheng, Hubei, Tai'an, Shandong, Chaoyang, Liaoning, Jiuquan, Gansu and other places, with a system efficiency of more than 70%.

"Through these forward-looking and experimental technologies, we are deeply embedded in the new energy supply chain system." Yan Nan, deputy general manager of the market investment department of the South Asia regional headquarters of China Energy Construction International Construction Group, told reporters.

At the same time, the traditional energy industry is also actively transforming. In April, Honeywell announced the launch of its ethanol-to-jet fuel process technology in China.

Yu Feng, President of Honeywell China, said that the company has developed different technology paths. Honeywell's SAF process is a direct replacement for conventional fuels without changes to aircraft technology or fuel infrastructure for a wide range of renewable feedstocks, including gutter oil, algal oil, waste fat, non-edible vegetable oil, ethanol and e-methanol.

The picture shows the Honeywell booth at the first Chain Expo. Courtesy of Honeywell

"Making the planet a better place"

Zhang Shaogang, vice president of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, pointed out that at present, global climate change is becoming increasingly severe, and a new round of energy revolution with the concept of low-carbon and carbon-free as the core is booming around the world, and the development of clean energy has become a common choice for all countries. The International Energy Agency predicts that by 2025, renewable energy will generate 35% of the world's electricity generation.

He said that in this context, the traditional energy-using technology and process equipment will undergo subversive changes, various high-efficiency power technologies, intelligent interactive technologies on both sides of energy supply and demand, and products will be in the ascendant, and the decarbonization of the industrial chain and supply chain will become the future development direction, which will have a far-reaching impact on the future technology and technology, industrial form, employment direction, and even lifestyle.

On November 11, the first China International Supply Chain Promotion Expo opened in Beijing. Photo by Chinanews reporter Li Jun

As a foreign-funded company, Yu Feng said that the three major development trends that Honeywell focuses on are highly consistent with the needs of the Chinese local market and Chinese customers.

He said that Honeywell is committed to working with Chinese partners to jointly promote the application and promotion of sustainable development and help related industries achieve low-carbon transformation. We also hope to use the new window of this year's Chain Expo to showcase the company's mature solutions and innovative technologies in the field of energy transition, and join hands with more industry partners to build, promote and share a new supply chain ecology that is arduous and resilient, agile and sustainable.

Integrated development of energy to link to a green future. The slogan of the clean energy chain of the first Chain Expo is "Make the Earth a Better Place". Here, we see different efforts to protect this greenness. The integration and empowerment of upstream and downstream will make the social benefits of clean energy continue to emerge. (ENDS)