CCTV News: With the advent of cold air, the temperature in many places continues to drop, and the sales of cold supplies and heating equipment have soared.

In a number of large supermarkets and home appliance stores in Beijing, cold supplies, heating equipment have entered the hot sales period, the staff of this home appliance store introduced, last week, the sales of heating equipment in the store increased by more than 50% month-on-month.

The reporter learned that this year's heating equipment is more diversified and segmented, with a heating bib specifically for the neck, a heating table, a warming plate, a shoe warmer and other special products, which are quite popular with young consumers. However, traditional oil tins, heaters, electric blankets, etc. are still the mainstream products that are currently hot.

According to the data, since November, the sales volume of offline heaters in a home appliance store has increased by 11% month-on-month, the sales volume of baseboard heaters has increased by 410% month-on-month, and the sales volume of oil-based heaters has increased by 525% month-on-month. In addition, on an e-commerce platform, the sales of new heating equipment such as shoe warmers, heating scarves, plumbing blankets, and electric heating tables more than doubled month-on-month.

Beijing: Hot pot and hot spring consumption are favored

In addition to the hot sales of cold supplies, hot pot restaurants, steam halls, hot springs and other places have also ushered in a consumption boom, continue to see the reporter's visit.

The reporter saw in a hot pot restaurant in Beijing that many customers are waiting for the number, since the temperature plummeted last week, such a number of scenes are commonplace, generally after five o'clock in the afternoon need to queue, the number of diners has at least doubled compared with last month.

In addition to hot pot restaurants, steam halls, hot springs and other places are also favored by consumers, especially some hot spring places that can provide catering, children's amusement programs, audio-visual facilities, and outdoor hot springs are more popular.

Liu Yuting, general manager of a hot spring hotel in Beijing: Young families account for 70% of our entire customer group, and the average daily passenger flow is almost 500 (person-times).

According to the data, since November, the number of orders related to hot pot dine-in has increased by more than 11% year-on-year, and the number of searches related to "hot spring hotel" has increased by 150% year-on-year, of which the number of orders for sauna restaurants in Beijing has increased by 120% year-on-year.

Yiwu, Zhejiang: Overseas orders for heating products have increased significantly

Not only is the domestic "warm consumption" heating up rapidly, but in Yiwu, Zhejiang, overseas orders for heating products have also increased significantly, ushering in the centralized procurement tide of foreign merchants.

In a store specializing in hand warmers in Yiwu International Trade City, Zhejiang, a buyer from Jordan, Foad, is purchasing a batch of plugged-in hand warmers. These products, with an average price of 10-20 yuan, are very popular in the Middle East market.

In order to expand overseas markets, some merchants have refined their product design, such as this cartoon shape and thick imitation rabbit down, which makes the product both cute and warm. There is also this electric heating hand warmer table mat, this year has added CNC screen display, temperature control and other technologies, which can achieve efficient constant temperature heating, once launched, it has become a hit, and corporate orders have been scheduled to New Year's Day.

According to the statistics of the Yiwu Municipal Bureau of Commerce of Zhejiang Province, from January to October this year, Yiwu exported heating machines, dryers, hand warmers, hot water bottles, electric blankets and other heating supplies totaling 1 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.5%.

Lianyungang, Jiangsu: Consumption of hot pot ingredients with hot mushrooms in the cooling zone

Hot pot is indispensable on the winter table, and some mushrooms such as shiitake mushrooms and mushrooms are used to warm the stomach and heart. As the temperature continues to drop, the edible mushroom market in Jiangsu has ushered in the peak sales season of the year.

At the stalls of this farmers' market in Lianyungang, Jiangsu, there are mushrooms, white mushrooms, seafood mushrooms and other mushrooms. Since November, the price of many mushrooms has also risen.

The reporter found in the market visit, in recent years, consumer taste has also undergone some changes, in the previous winter edible mushroom consumption, oyster mushroom and other varieties accounted for a relatively large amount, this year seafood mushroom, tea tree mushroom and other varieties of sales are not small, although the price has risen, but consumers still can not resist the delicious taste of edible mushrooms.

Guannan County, Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, has an annual output of 60,10 tons of fresh mushrooms, planting more than 1000 varieties of edible mushrooms such as Pleurotus eryngii, Agaricus bisporus, and enoki mushrooms, and more than <>,<> tons of fresh edible mushrooms are sold all over the country every day.