In an article for Project Syndicate, he noted that with average inflation of 5%, long-term bond yields should be closer to 7.5%. At the same time, if the indicator rises to this level, bonds and stocks will fall in price.

"Globally, losses for both bondholders and equity investors could be in the tens of trillions of dollars over the next decade," Roubini said.

According to the economist, for most of the year, investors were "wishful thinking" that central banks would announce the end of the rate hike cycle.

"But persistent inflation has dashed those hopes, forcing central banks to adopt 'high rates for an extended period' policy, which is likely to lead to an economic downturn and additional financial stress," he explained.

The head of the European Central Bank (ECB), Christine Lagarde, previously revealed that her son lost almost all of his investments in cryptocurrency.

In September, Russia increased the volume of investments in US government bonds to $73 million, according to the US Treasury Department.

At the same time, the Central Bank of Russia said that it does not buy US government bonds.