
Israa Jaabis, emblematic Palestinian prisoner freed

Israa Jaabis, the most notorious Palestinian prisoner, was released on Saturday after spending eight years in prison. She had been convicted of detonating a gas cylinder in her car at a checkpoint in 25. The blast injured an Israeli policeman and burned his face and hands. It was with great emotion that she was reunited with her family.

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Israa Jaabis, Palestinian prisoner freed by Israel, after returning to her home in East Jerusalem, Sunday, Nov. 26, 2023. AP - Mahmoud Illean

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With our special correspondents in Jerusalem, Clea Broadhurst and Bertrand Haeckler


The hardest thing to live with was being away from my son. He's growing up and he's seeing things that are bigger than him," she says. Israa Jaabis never takes her eyes off her son. After eight years in prison, she rediscovers him.

Since 2015, his injuries have barely been treated. Another prisoner received medical care to repair burns similar to his own.

« They treated him well, he got psychological help. They made sure there was no mirror in his room. Me? They put two mirrors, one in front of my bed, the other in the bathroom. It shocked me. At the same time, I tell myself that this is my destiny, I have to accept myself as I am now. I hope my son accepts it too. »

Despite her release, Israa Jaabis is even more scared than when she was in prison.


The police officer in my case objected to my care," she said. There are some doctors who refuse to treat Palestinian prisoners. I'm worried they won't let me travel for my surgeries. I'm scared to travel within my country. I'm scared I'll be arrested in the Old City, I'm scared they'll arrest the rest of my family.


Her son asks her if she could go back to prison. She replies that in the world they live in, it's not impossible.

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