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VZBV board member Ramona Pop

Photo: Britta Pedersen / dpa

According to a survey, almost half of German citizens fear a deterioration in their situation as consumers. As a Forsa survey commissioned by the Federation of German Consumer Organisations (VZBV) shows, 48 percent of adults expect their situation as consumers to deteriorate over the next ten years. The survey, which was commissioned by the VZBV on the occasion of the German Consumer Day 2023, was available to the German Press Agency.

At this Monday's Consumer Day in Berlin, experts will discuss perspectives on important issues relating to pensions, mobility and artificial intelligence.

Forsa conducted a representative survey of 1003 adults from 6 November to 8 November on behalf of the Federation of German Consumer Organizations. Questions included: "Every person is also a consumer – namely when he or she buys or uses goods or services for private use, for example. Do you expect your situation as a consumer in Germany to improve, deteriorate or remain the same over the next ten years?"

According to the survey, when asked on which issues there is currently the greatest need for action by politicians for consumers, 38 percent of respondents named energy supply. 23 percent currently see the greatest need for action in retirement provision. VZBV board member Ramona Pop called it an alarm signal that almost half of the people were worried about the future: "In uncertain times, consumers need clarity and commonality instead of antagonism."
