【People's Livelihood Survey Bureau】

Editor's note:

This is the People's Livelihood Investigation Bureau, which has never been seen before and investigates the changes in people's livelihood. Pay attention to what you want to follow, what you don't follow, investigate what you want to see and what you don't see.

Chinanews.com, November 11 (Zhongxin Financial Reporter Zuo Yukun) Down jackets are getting more and more expensive, and it seems to be a topic that will not be absent every winter. Would you rather pay for a more expensive down jacket or do you do the opposite?

Just when netizens were discussing the topic of "can you accept domestic down jackets of more than 1,000 yuan", this winter, a group of college students who "rectified the down jacket market" put on flower cotton jackets and military coats again, which is really "not that down jackets can't be bought, but that flat replacement models are more cost-effective".

How has the warm business under the cold wind changed?

The picture shows citizens wearing down jackets to travel. Photo by Ma Mingyan

Rising prices, buying a down jacket is not easy

In 1936, the world's first real down jacket was born. In less than a hundred years, this lightweight, warm warm clothing has entered the wardrobe of almost every household in the north, and even many southerners will always have one.

However, in addition to warmth, more and more added value has been added to down jackets, resulting in a continuous increase in their prices. "I have the impression that a down jacket is already very expensive for seven or eight hundred yuan, but I didn't expect that more than 1,000 yuan is now considered a normal price." Many people who have recently planned to buy down jackets have expressed such feelings.

This is indeed not a personal feeling of "the world is around you". According to data from the China National Commercial Information Center, from 2015 to 2020, the average price of down jackets in China has risen from 438 yuan to 656 yuan, and the price of large cold-proof clothing has exceeded 1000,2000 yuan, of which nearly 70% are more than <>,<> yuan.

Behind the higher and higher prices, is the cost of down jackets rising? Ms. Si, who is engaged in the down jacket business in Jiangsu, introduced the cost structure of down jackets to the Zhongxin financial reporter, in addition to surface accessories, miscellaneous expenses, etc., the most important of which is naturally down.

"The down jackets on the market are mainly goose down and duck down, and the number in front is the corresponding down content, such as 90 goose down and 70 duck down, and the larger the number, the warmer it is. The difference is that 70 fleece may be wing hair, 80 fleece is chest hair, and 90 is neck hair. ”

Ms. Si said that the price of goose down is more than double that of duck down. The same down content of 70-90, the price of duck down ranges from 200-400 yuan per kilogram, and the price of goose down is 500-900 yuan per kilogram.

"The unit price per gram is multiplied by the amount of down filled, and the cost of down per piece of clothing can be derived." For example, Ms. Si said that the initial ex-factory price of a down jacket with a filling amount of about 200 grams, medium down quality, and a basic style may be about 160 yuan. If the quantity is large, it can be a few dollars cheaper per piece.

So is the cost of down higher this year? Ms. Si thinks there are. "The price of goose down has risen very quickly this year, and duck down was relatively stable at first, but then it was also brought up, which may be related to the upstream aquaculture industry."

However, Ms. Si believes that the main reason is that on the downstream demand side, many brands have begun to develop towards high-end, and the demand for high-quality raw materials such as white goose down has increased more obviously. "There are more goose down people in the market than in previous years, and the price is higher."

Some of the best-selling jacket products.

The substitute is hot, and the jacket is "crazy"

"Those who make feathers don't make money, but those who make clothes make money." Ms. Si mentioned such a sentence. In her opinion, many down jackets with a price difference of a few hundred yuan, the cost of surface accessories is about the same, and the biggest difference between brands is whether the quality of the velvet is more guaranteed.

"But now many down jackets want to be in the high-end market, in addition to the design is good-looking, they will also work the surface and accessories materials, such as more windproof and more scientific and technological content." Ms. Si believes that in the past, only nylon, nylon, pongee, polyester taffeta and other accessories for down jackets were used, and more special fabrics have been developed.

Instead of passively accepting the "evolution" of down jackets in the surface accessories, it is better to take the initiative to find high-end "skin" by yourself. So this year, the storm jacket that can be worn as a windbreaker when it blows, a raincoat when it rains, and a down jacket in winter is popular among young people.

The glamorous hipsters on social platforms have also begun to move closer to the "programmer aesthetic", researching what is waterproof index, double-layer structural fabrics, laminated adhesive and breathable. "It can be said that the scenery of standing on Anfu Road in autumn may not be much different from Xierqi."

Baidu index shows that since the beginning of this year, the average daily search index of jackets has exceeded 1250, surpassing down jackets. Jingdong data also shows that since the beginning of this year, the turnover of jackets has increased by 165% year-on-year, and the turnover of jackets during the "Double 11" period (October 10-20) has increased by 25% year-on-year.

Among them, the "three-in-one" containing a hard shell and an inner tank is more sought after. In addition to the common waterproof, windproof and moisture-permeable properties, it is also suitable for cold protection and warmth in winter, extending the service life of the jacket from spring and autumn to spring and autumn and winter, becoming a winter "warm partner" and "wearing weapon" for young people.

Not to mention, the jacket is a little cheaper. According to the statistics of Mojing Insight, from November 2022 to October 11, among the common winter coats, the highest average price is outdoor down jackets and outdoor warm cotton clothes, with an average of more than 2023,10 yuan. The average price of jackets is 1200.488 yuan, which is lower than woolen coats and down jackets.

"In the past, jackets were bought by people who loved climbing mountains and outdoors, but this year many young people have come." A clerk who sells outdoor products in a shopping mall in a fourth-tier city in the north told reporters: "The previous jackets were all black, gray, red, blue and yellow in the traditional color, and in the past two years, there have been a lot of good-looking new models, and I can sell two or three pieces almost every day, and I can sell up to eight pieces a day on weekends." ”

On social platforms, military coats and flower cotton jackets are popular.

"Sheniu wears", military coats and flower cotton jackets are also selling well

As a relatively high unit price of rigid demand category, consumers are indeed relatively more sensitive to the price of down jackets. Miss Fu, the owner of a personal clothing physical store, has a headache when she talks about getting down jackets: "Brand down jackets may sell for more than 1,000 yuan, and everyone will think it is expensive, but in a store like ours, everyone will already think it is expensive to sell for 5 or 600 yuan." ”

"When I got the goods, I could feel that the low-end down jacket was very cheap, maybe more than 100 yuan, and it could be sold three or four times. But if you want to do mid-to-high-end, you may have to pay four or five hundred yuan to get the goods, and it is impossible to double the sale, and at most increase the price by more than 100 yuan. Miss Fu thinks that selling down jackets is not as worry-free as selling cotton clothes.

There are also many young people who have a headache about buying down jackets. So after a cooldown, several Northeast college students formed a team to wear military coats and walked into the classroom, and the video was uploaded to nearly 200 million likes; There are also many young girls at the counter of the flower padded jacket with a big promotional price written on it in the mall.

"I sincerely want a dress that can survive the winter, and the price is best within 1,50 yuan, about <> yuan, and I am very anxious online." Under the leadership of eclectic college students, military coats and cotton jackets with low prices and sufficient materials have returned to the forefront of the trend and are popular on the campuses of major colleges and universities. In line with the attitude of "as long as I'm not embarrassed, it's someone else who is cold", we have completed the fashion transformation of one person wearing a conspicuous bag, two people wearing a slightly embarrassing bag, and a group of people wearing a trend-leading fashion.

"The students around me do have something to wear, especially when it's the morning class of '8 in the morning'. I think it's a good thing that these children are practical and individual. Mr. Zhao, a college counselor in Harbin, told reporters that according to students' feedback, the military coat "is very cold and warm, but it is a bit heavy at about seven or eight pounds." ”

"I heard that there are also light military coats recently, but the silk cotton ones don't carry the wind. I recommend them to buy it in the labor insurance store, the quality is better. Teacher Zhao said with a smile. (ENDS)