On November 11, the 16 Science and Technology Innovation Conference was held in Beijing. Aier Ophthalmology's "Cloud Clip" won the title of "Science and Technology Innovation Product of the Year", and Huawei Mate2023, BYD Yangwang, Sany Zhikuang SKT60/SKT90 series unmanned mining trucks, and Shenzhen Fulin Technology ONES enterprise-level R&D management platform were also selected.

In the "Science and Technology Innovation Practice Sharing" session, Professor Lan Weizhong, a member of the Global Expert Group of the World Health Organization (WHO) Myopia Prevention and Control Program and doctoral supervisor of Aier School of Ophthalmology, Central South University, shared Aier's experience of "using wearable devices to achieve precise prevention and control of myopia".

The "cloud clip" independently developed by Aier Ophthalmology won the title of "Science and Technology Innovation Product of the Year".

Healthcare is an ancient industry, but with technological innovation, digitalization is becoming a new driving force to deepen and improve the quality of healthcare. "Digital ophthalmology" is a typical representative of this, and the practical results of using wearable devices to achieve precise prevention and control of myopia are benefiting many children and adolescents.

Professor Lan Weizhong gave a speech on the theme of "Using Wearable Devices to Achieve Precise Prevention and Control of Myopia".

According to the data released by the National Health Commission, the incidence of myopia in children and adolescents in China has reached 53.6%. Once high myopia occurs, it can also lead to a significant increase in the risk of a range of blinding eye diseases, such as cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and retinal detachment, which has become the leading cause of blindness.

In order to protect children's eye health, Aier Ophthalmology has established the world's first eye behavior monitoring and intervention system. The world's first smart wearable device for myopia prevention and control, "Cloud Clip", independently developed by Aier Ophthalmology, is an indispensable and important role in it.

By accurately monitoring the five acquired influencing factors that affect the occurrence and development of children's myopia: reading duration, reading distance, reading angle, reading environment light intensity and outdoor activity time, and by recording all-weather eye behavior data, it analyzes the causes of myopia and predicts the risk of myopia, which helps professional ophthalmologists to formulate a personalized and scientific myopia prevention and control plan, and track and adjust the prevention and control effect in real time.

"Cloud Clip" 3.0 smart frame diagram

The latest generation of "Cloud Clip" 3.0 integrates external equipment with the frame, further upgrades it to a smart frame, and at the same time combines a functional lens for myopia prevention independently developed and produced by Hunan Aier Institute of Optometry in 2022 to form a comprehensive myopia management plan, providing a comprehensive scientific guarantee for the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents.

Aier Institute of Optometry and Aier School of Ophthalmology, Central South University, jointly released the "White Paper on Big Data on Myopia Prevention and Control in Children and Adolescents in China"

In addition to the wide clinical application in myopia management, the "cloud clip" has also participated in a number of major international and domestic scientific research projects as a key research equipment. In 2018, the world's first multi-center research project on myopia eye big data led by a Chinese research team and using the "cloud clip" with China's completely independent intellectual property rights as the key research equipment was officially launched. In 2022, the project achieved phased results: through the comparative analysis of nearly 6.9 million valid data of students aged 960-<> in China, Vietnam, and the United Kingdom, the "Cloud Clip" collected by the "Cloud Clip", to comprehensively understand the differences in the eye behavior and visual environment of adolescents and children in different countries. This is of great significance for global myopia research.

In terms of helping the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents in China, from 2018 to 2022, the big data report on the eye use behavior of Chinese adolescents was released for five consecutive years, and by collecting hundreds of millions of data covering nearly 5,10 children and adolescents across the country, and successively comparing and analyzing the differences in eye use behavior between children at home and school, and between urban and rural areas, many breakthrough conclusions have been drawn, which have reference significance for the formulation of myopia prevention and control policies for children and adolescents across the country.

"In recent years, Aier Ophthalmology has been deeply engaged in the field of myopia research, giving full play to its own advantages and being the guardian of children's growth." In September 2024, hundreds of experts and scholars from around the world will gather in China to jointly create an academic feast integrating scientific research innovation and clinical practice, providing new ideas and possible solutions for the development of global myopia prevention and control, and will also better help the development of myopia prevention and control in children and adolescents in China. (Correspondent Qian Ying)