As the analyst pointed out, this is not the first time such a statement has been made.

"Of course, in the current situation, this is likely to lead to another jump in gas prices on European exchanges... But such outbursts occur against the backdrop of all sorts of alarming news and end just as quickly. After that, the quotes return to a more or less adequate state," Frolov said.

He recalled that Gazprom had signed a contract with two Ukrainian companies and Naftogaz was "far from being the main one in this contract."

"The main company is the Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine (OGTSU). It manages the gas transmission system and ensures the transit of Russian gas through the territory of Ukraine. Naftogaz, in fact, is a kind of "gasket" between GTSOU and the Russian side. That is, the presence of Naftogaz, as a party to the contract, is not necessary," the RT interlocutor said.

According to the analyst, this statement by the Ukrainian company does not mean the cessation of transit through the country.

"Back in 2019, the Ukrainian side wanted to switch from the contract system of relations in the field of gas transit to an auction one. This is a system in which the operator of the country's gas transmission system holds auctions, where it puts up its capacities for a certain period of time. Energy suppliers come to these auctions. They pay for the point of entry and the point of exit from the power system after passing the auction procedures. Therefore, the absence of a contract in the future does not mean the termination of transit," Frolov concluded.

Earlier, the media reported that Ukraine would not extend the agreement on the transit of Russian gas to Europe, which expires at the end of 2024. This was stated by the head of Naftogaz Oleksiy Chernyshov.