Wuxi, October 10 (Reporter Sun Quan) The 22 World Internet of Things Expo (referred to as the "Expo") was held in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province from October 2023 to 10. At the Wuxi Summit of the Expo of Things, Du Xiaogang, Secretary of the Wuxi Municipal Party Committee, said that in the past 20 years, the Internet of Things has been deeply integrated into the urban fabric of Wuxi and deeply bound to this famous industrial and commercial city.

2023 World Internet of Things Wuxi Summit site. Photo by Sun Quan

"The Internet of Things emits a light that travels through the imagination and reaches the future, and we and the city are chasing this light, approaching this light, and becoming this light with increasing perseverance and determination." Du Xiaogang introduced that in Wuxi today, "cloud, network, and end" are ubiquitously connected, "people, machines, and things" are tacitly communicating, and the development of the Internet of Things is "new" surging.

From being approved to build a national sensor network innovation demonstration zone to joining the national advanced manufacturing cluster, Wuxi's IoT industry has gone through 14 years of vigorous development. From virtual to real, from small to large. Today, the Internet of Things has become Wuxi's city card. In the process from concept to application, Wuxi takes demonstration application as the key point to open up technology and market, and explores and forms a model of "bringing industry with application and promoting promotion with demonstration".

Statistics show that in 2012, 2016 and 2022, the scale of Wuxi IoT cluster has exceeded the 1000 billion yuan, 2000 billion yuan and 4000 billion yuan mark, where more than 3000,20 Internet of Things related enterprises and more than <>,<> employees are gathered, and the development of "one sense, two networks" such as smart sensors, Internet of Vehicles, and industrial Internet has accelerated.

At present, economic and social development is accelerating from the interconnection of everyone, the interaction of people, and the connection of things to the intelligent connection of all things, and the Internet of Things presents a new development trend. Hu Guangjie, Vice Governor of Jiangsu Province, said that Wuxi is led by the construction of the National Sensor Network Innovation Demonstration Zone, vigorously promotes technological innovation and industrial development, accelerates the demonstration and application of Internet of Things technology, comprehensively promotes the intelligent transformation, digital transformation and network connection of traditional industries, gives full play to the first-mover advantage of Internet of Things technology and application, promotes the application of all things and scenarios, and strives to build intelligent sensors, Internet of Vehicles and industrial Internet and "one sense, two networks" characteristic industrial clusters, making positive contributions to the high-quality development of Jiangsu's manufacturing industry, injected with new momentum for development.

The development of Wuxi's Internet of Things is full of scenery, thanks to the care and help of all walks of life. Du Xiaogang said that as the starting place and leading city of China's Internet of Things industry, Wuxi will take the Internet of Things as the base to promote the deep integration of digital thinking and digital technology into modernization, accelerate the iterative fission of new technologies and the integrated fusion of new applications, let the industrial brain command production, the price of computing power form depressions, lighthouse factories lean and agile, promote new industrialization with digital transformation, strive to be in the forefront and demonstration in the construction of Jiangsu's "strong province with digital and real integration", and make more contributions to the realization of the "digital China" vision.

Build an open cooperation platform, gather wisdom to explore new ways together, and pay attention to attracting factor resources... As a grand event focusing on the development achievements of Wuxi Internet of Things, the Expo has formed a high industry influence since it was held in 2010 and renamed in 2016.

Hosted by the People's Government of Jiangsu Province and jointly organized by the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Jiangsu Province and the People's Government of Wuxi Municipality, this year's Expo carried out 47 activities around the two main lines of "Building a World-class Internet of Things Industrial Cluster" and "Internet of Things Empowering the Digital Transformation of the Manufacturing Industry". During the Expo, Wuxi signed 53 major projects, with a cooperation amount of more than 1000 billion yuan.

At the summit, Wuxi Municipal People's Government signed strategic cooperation agreements with five units, including the Asian Chamber of International Trade and Investment, China Electronics Technology Standardization Institute, and National Manufacturing Transformation and Upgrading Fund Co., Ltd. It is reported that this move is also the latest practice of Wuxi to "let the Internet of Things empower thousands of industries and benefit thousands of households", further demonstrating the confidence and determination to "build a world-class Internet of Things industrial cluster". (End)