Zhongxin Wanghai, October 10 (Reporter Fan Yubin) "On the 7th anniversary of the inauguration of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, remarkable achievements have been made from experimental fields to demonstration fields, promoting economic modernization, governance modernization and civilization modernization through opening up. Next, it is necessary to align with international economic and trade norms with higher standards, take into account development and security, and release more economic growth momentum with larger-scale, deeper and higher-level reform, opening up and innovation. Recently, Chen Hanjian, co-founder, vice president and editor-in-chief of Shanghai Miaodian Network Technology Co., Ltd., participated in the theme activities of "Gathering New Momentum - Internet People Look at the <>th Anniversary Achievements of Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone" and "Seeking Beauty in Shanghai" hosted by the Shanghai Municipal Committee United Front Work Department, the Municipal Party Committee Publicity Department, the Municipal Party Committee Cyberspace Affairs Office, and the Municipal Youth League Committee, hosted by the Municipal New Union and undertaken by the Pudong New Area New Association.

Live at the event. Photo courtesy of the United Front Work Department of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee

On September 2013, 9, China's first pilot free trade zone was born in Shanghai. In order to experience the achievements of the 29th anniversary of the construction of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, this theme activity organized network representatives to visit and visit, briefings, exchange seminars and online promotions.

On the same day, representatives of the Internet visited Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Global Exchange and Shanghai International Cultural Relics and Artworks Bonded Service Center. As a new landmark of Pudong Consumption Center, the "Global Exchange" project plays an important function of "6+365" perennial display and trading, actively undertakes the "spillover effect" of extending to the Expo, and gathers five major trade service platforms such as national (regional) centers and import commodity direct sales centers. Since the Shanghai International Cultural Relics and Artworks Bonded Service Center was put into operation, many leading art institutions and individual collectors in the industry have gathered here, and the scale of cooperation has increased year by year. Internet representatives praised the achievements of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone in the past ten years of rapid development, which attracted the attention and encouragement of the world.

Network representatives listened to a briefing by the Shanghai Pudong New Area Development and Reform Commission on the construction of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone. At the symposium, Liang Shunlong, Ma Yu, Huang Haiqing, Lu Yihao, Qin Shuo, Zhong Junhao, Cao Min, Wang Hai and other network representatives put forward their insights on how Shanghai can further play the role of the high-level reform and opening up "test field" of the pilot free trade zone, deepen institutional innovation, integrated reform, and promote high-quality development around the theme of "looking back on the new journey of the road and meritorious achievements in ten years", further uniting and condensing the wisdom of network people, and drawing online and offline "concentric circles" for the construction of the pilot free trade zone.

"This year is the first year to implement the implementation of the strategy of upgrading the pilot free trade zone proposed in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the Shanghai pilot free trade zone needs to think and work together if it wants to become a pioneer place for China's deep-level institutional opening up and a demonstration place for a higher level of opening up to the outside world." Li Xia, second-level inspector of the United Front Work Department of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the party group of the Shanghai Municipal European and American Alumni Association, expressed the hope that network representatives will gather ideological consensus from a higher position, correctly understand the sense of responsibility and mission of an online representative from the strategic perspective of promoting Chinese-style modernization with the construction of a digital China as a network power, give full play to the social influence of the head platform and the network big V, and be the active disseminator and active practitioner of the party's line, principles and policies. Serve the overall situation of the center with a broader vision, actively participate in the implementation of the network power strategy, the national big data strategy and the "Internet +" action plan, and better perform their duties on the big stage of the construction of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone. Deepen brand building with higher standards, rely on the "Beauty Seeking" publicity matrix and the "Network Gathering New Momentum" work brand, unite and lead more network representatives, and make new and greater contributions to creating a good network ecology.

During the event, the "Seeking Beauty Shanghai" publicity matrix and various new media platforms focused on online publicity activities on the achievements of the 10th anniversary of the construction of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone.

Live at the event. Photo courtesy of the United Front Work Department of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee

Pan Cong, director of Shanghai New Union and vice president of Dragonfly FM, said, "Shanghai Free Trade Zone has achieved brilliant results in ten years. Financial Lujiazui, science and technology gather in Zhangjiang. Takahashi blends the world and manufactures Huijin Bridge. Lingang New Area, Yangshan Free Trade Port. Gather new momentum and innovate boldly. Struggle for another ten years, continue to climb new heights. ”

"From the thousand-year-old Qinglong Town to the ten-year free trade zone, Shanghai has always been the forerunner of commercial civilization in Chinese civilization." Kang Chen, a Sina Weibo blogger and freelance writer, said that the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone has gone through ten years, from scratch, from exploration to practice, making indispensable and significant contributions to China's economy in the "Internet +" era, becoming a highland for China's opening to the outside world, playing an important role in institutional innovation, and making important contributions to the healthy development of economic globalization.

Wang Hai, editor-in-chief of Shanghai Haiji Information Technology Co., Ltd. (shipping industry network), said that shipping is a national strategic industry related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and it is also one of the core industries of the free trade zone. "As a shipping practitioner, I am proud to have witnessed and participated in the construction, development and leap forward of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone. In the future, I will work together with Pudong and Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zones to contribute more to the construction of socialist modernization leading zones. (End)