Maximilien Carlier, edited by Alexandre Dalifard / Photo credit: Marie Magnin / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP 14:07 p.m., September 25, 2023

Emmanuel Macron announced Sunday a new aid to compensate for the high price of fuel, "limited to workers" and the most modest, of "100 euros per car per year". While for some motorists, this new move by the government is welcome, for others, it is not enough to limit inflation.

A well-received news? Sunday evening, Emmanuel Macron announced on TF1 and France 2 the establishment of a fuel allowance of 100 euros paid in 2024 and limited to workers who need to drive. But does this new gesture of the government please motorists? To find out, Europe 1 went to meet users in Villeneuve-d'Ascq near Lille.

"We can't do anything anymore"

1.95 euros per liter of diesel is the price displayed in this petrol station. On the spot, Marie picks up the pistol while grimacing. This makeup artist who earns less than 1,300 euros per month will benefit from the bonus. "Yes that's good. We would have hoped more, that other gestures would be made to help people with small budgets, so most people finally (laughs)," she told Europe 1. This will make it possible to make more outings according to her.

>> READ ALSO - Fuels, purchasing power, Niger... What to remember from Emmanuel Macron's TV interview

On the other hand, for Sarah, self-entrepreneur in real estate, 100 euros is a drop of water. "It doesn't make me hot or cold. With inflation and food prices, I'm not even going to feel it, it's too low," she said. And for those who will not benefit from this bonus, there is this feeling of injustice as Philippe explains. "The more we advance in aid, the more we realize that the middle class becomes the class that is low in relation to the salary. And we continue to pay for everyone. We pay for the butcher who has to increase his expenses, we pay for the baker, for Mr. Macron who makes great weekends at the Palace of Versailles. We find ourselves stuck, we can no longer do anything," he insists. "We're sort of cash cows," he concludes.

The only advantage here is to be on the border with Belgium where gasoline is cheaper with sometimes 20 cents difference.