Iran tightens veiling law one year after Mahsa Amini's death

The Iranian Parliament adopted on Wednesday (September 20th) a new law to toughen sanctions against Iranian women who do not respect the wearing of the Islamic veil. The new sanctions, which were approved four days after the first anniversary of the death of Mahsa Amini, who died on 16 September 2022, which sparked a large protest movement in the country, can go as far as prison.

Iranian women walk the streets of central Tehran, some without wearing the Islamic veil, September 9, 2023. © Vahid Salemi/AP

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With our correspondent in Tehran, Siavosh Ghazi

The adoption of this law comes just four days after the first anniversary of the death of Mahsa Amini, in detention, a year ago, after being arrested by the morality police for violating the veil.

According to the law, anyone who commits the offense of "not wearing a veil or inappropriate clothing in cooperation with foreign or hostile governments, media, groups or organizations" to the Islamic Republic will be sentenced to five to ten years in prison.

The law also provides for fines for those who "promote nudity", "mock the hijab" or attack those who try to enforce the veil.

Other punitive measures are also planned, including a ban on leaving the country or a ban on exercising their profession: this could concern in particular actors and actresses in cinema.

This is a clear hardening. It remains to be seen how the new law will be applied.

Over the past year, we have seen more and more women, especially young people, without veils in the streets of Tehran, but also in large provincial cities. This is also the case for those who frequent the thousands of cafes and restaurants that have sprung up in recent years across the country.

See alsoIran: police reinstate patrols against unveiled women

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