Iran, U.S. conduct prisoner exchange

After several months of waiting, Tehran finally announced the exchange of prisoners between Iran and the United States and the release of billions of Iranian funds held in several countries.

The five Americans are to be exchanged for five Iranians detained in the United States. REUTERS - DADO RUVIC

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With our correspondent in Tehran, Siavosh Ghazi

Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman said that according to his information, the prisoner exchange would take place on Monday, September 18.

Five Iranian-American dual nationals detained for several years on charges of espionage or action against national security must be released. For their part, under the terms of an agreement reached through mediation in Doha, the Americans will release five Iranians held in their prisons. Two of them will return to Iran.

Six billion funds released

As part of the deal, six billion dollars blocked in South Korean banks will be made available to Iran. Similarly, Iranian funds withheld in Japan or Iraq, because of US sanctions, will be released.

The announcement comes as the Iranian president is on his way to New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly. With this deal and the release of billions of dollars in Iranian funds abroad, President Raissi's government wants to show that the prospects for an improvement in the economic situation and a reduction in tensions with the United States are now within reach.

" READ ALSO Exchange of prisoners Washington-Tehran: "This is not the beginning of a normalization of relations"

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