Elon Musk, who owns the US social media giant "X" of Twitter, revealed that advertising revenue in the United States has fallen by 60%. The reason for this is claimed to be that influential Jewish organizations are pressuring companies not to advertise on X.

Elon Musk posted on his X on the 4th, "Since the acquisition of Twitter last year, the ADL, a Jewish organization, has been trying to crush the social media platform and falsely accusing me of being an anti-Semite."

Musk explained that ADL is pressuring advertisers not to advertise, and that X's ad revenue in the U.S. is still down 60 percent.

Meanwhile, the ADL announced that more than 5000,<> anti-Semitic posts had been found on Musk's reinstated accounts, and issued a report outlining how the company did not manage the content of the posts.

Some media outlets in the U.S. have accused Musk of being wrong to blame the ADL entirely for the decline in ad revenue.