(Economic Observation) Full of "Hot" and Diverse Ways to Play China's summer tourism has set off a climax

Beijing, 8 Aug (ZXS) -- China's summer tourism has set off a climax

China News Agency reporter Liu Wenwen

On the one hand, the domestic travel market has exploded, and on the other hand, the popularity of overseas travel has steadily risen, and this year's summer tourism in China can be described as very lively.

Domestic tourism has exploded in an all-round way, and the popularity of outbound tourism has soared

Since the beginning of this year, China's domestic cultural tourism market has continued to recover, and summer tourism has ushered in an all-round recovery. The China Tourism Academy predicts that from July to August, when the holidays of college, secondary and primary school students are the most concentrated, the number of domestic tourists will reach 7.8 billion, accounting for 13.31% of the annual number of domestic tourists.

According to Ctrip, a Chinese online travel platform, the domestic travel market this summer has achieved comprehensive growth compared with 2019, with consumers showing a trend of increasing travel radius, increasing travel frequency, and being willing to pay for experiences. According to data from Fliggy, another online travel platform, the number of domestic summer travel bookings, including domestic air tickets, hotels, itineraries, scenic spot tickets, etc., continued to exceed the pre-pandemic period.

While domestic travel continues to heat up, outbound travel is also booming. In the past three months, the turnover of Fliggy's outbound tourism goods has increased by more than 3 times year-on-year, and the turnover of visa services has exceeded the same period in 8. Summer bookings for international air tickets increased 2019 times year-on-year.

With the continuous optimization of policies, the capacity of outbound travel destinations continues to expand. On August 8, China's Ministry of Culture and Tourism released the third batch of countries and regions that resumed outbound group tours. Li Xiaomin, an analyst at BOCI Securities, said that the number of outbound group travel countries has been greatly expanded and almost includes important tourist destinations around the world, and the international travel business is expected to accelerate its recovery. Up to now, China has resumed outbound group travel and "air ticket + hotel" business in 10 countries and regions.

The "tricks" gameplay is endless

With the full recovery of domestic and outbound travel, the supply of personalized tourism market this summer vacation is also more abundant, and "tricks" are emerging one after another. For example, cruise travel has recovered rapidly and become a hot spot for consumption this summer. Fliggy data shows that the number of domestic cruise travel bookings this summer has exceeded the same period in 2019, and the number of international cruise bookings has increased by more than 85 times year-on-year.

Summer travel is still the most urgent need in the summer. According to Tuniu, an online travel platform, among the popular destinations in China, long-term summer travel in southwest and northwest regions such as Yunnan, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Guizhou, Gansu and Qinghai has increased significantly, and the peak of passenger flow has been ushered in before the summer vacation arrives. In addition to summer tourism, theme parks and cultural tourism related destinations in Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing and other places, as well as "net celebrity" destinations such as Weihai, Zibo and Qiandongnan also continued their previous popularity in the summer.

Study trips have become one of the "top streams" of this summer. According to Ctrip's data, the number of applicants for this year's summer study tour has doubled compared with last year. On the Fliggy platform, the search volume of study tours increased by more than 2.2 times compared with last summer. The Palace Museum, the National Museum of China, the Military Museum of the Chinese Revolution, the China Science and Technology Museum, the Beijing Planetarium and other cultural and museum institutions are the most interesting study destinations.

Since entering the summer, the popularity of night tours has also continued to rise. According to Ctrip's data, sales of summer night tour products increased by 2019% compared with 692, and innovative nighttime games such as climbing to watch night scenes, night light and shadow shows, cruise ships, street view night tours, performing arts performances, gastropubs, and museum night tours are popular in summer.

Entering the normal growth track

Xu Bingxuan, co-president of Fosun Tourism and Culture Group and CEO of Club Med Med China, told China News Agency that the "new generation of travelers" represented by young users in non-first-tier cities is gradually showing its dominant position. Around this incremental market, the new game of "travel +" is being more favored and has become a new growth point for performance.

"China's tourism industry is on a normal growth track." Xu Bingxuan further analyzed that the mass tourism stage is developing in depth, national tourism consumption habits are gradually formed, and the sinking of the tourism market and the universalization of tourism consumption are the underlying reasons for this year's summer tourism boom. From the perspective of summer tourism trends, the development prospects of the three major tourism markets in the future: domestic, outbound and inbound are promising.

Looking forward to the later stage, Chen Wen, an analyst at Wanlian Securities, believes that with the steady and orderly recovery of the national holiday market, coupled with domestic policy support and consumption recovery, the prospects of China's tourism industry will continue to improve. (End)