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EU Commission in Brussels


Dmitry Rukhlenko / Shotshop / IMAGO

U.S. economist Fiona Scott Morton is stepping down from the post of Chief Economist for Competition in the EU Commission in the face of a heated discussion about her nomination. This was announced by the Brussels authority.

Especially in France, there was massive criticism because of her nationality and a possible conflict of interest. Scott Morton has also advised US digital companies such as Apple and Amazon, against which the European competition watchdogs had recently imposed high penalties.

French President Emmanuel Macron had previously called Scott Morton's appointment "dubious." Is there no European researcher who can take on this task?" he asked. If that's the conclusion we're making, then it's extremely worrying, and we need to invest massively in the academic systems of our economies."

The American is a professor of economics at the renowned Yale University and was due to take up the position in the EU Commission's Directorate-General for Competition in September. EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager had defended the personnel on Tuesday evening in a hearing in the European Parliament in Brussels.

Scott Morton has "no decision-making power" in the competition authority, but will only play an advisory role, the Dane said. It doesn't decide whether to open or close a case." In addition, she trusts "one hundred percent" that Scott Morton is not a lobbyist for technology companies, said Vestager.
