As the forward direction of China's manufacturing industry, intelligent manufacturing is reshaping the core competitiveness of Chinese manufacturing enterprises. It will not only gradually transform Chinese manufacturing from its role as a "catch-up" in the past, but also expect China to upgrade from a "world factory" to a "world engine".

【During the same period】Shanghai Haili Electric Co., Ltd. Shanghai factory general manager Zhao Haidong

We have an evaluation index, that is, the number of robots for 1400,<> industrial workers, we have <> (robots), it should be said that this indicator is higher than the average of some developed countries.

【Commentary】This year, Shanghai Pudong will usher in the tenth year of the construction of China's pilot free trade zone. Shanghai Pudong Jinqiao Development Zone (North District), as the first pilot free trade area in China with advanced manufacturing and productive service industries as the dual core of development, is building a "smart manufacturing city" with global influence around the three major industries of "future car", "intelligent manufacturing" and "big video".

【During the same period】Zhuang Yong, Director of the Industrial and Emerging Industries Promotion Division of the Jinqiao Management Bureau of the Management Committee of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone

Jinqiao is an industrial park with advanced manufacturing as a prominent feature, we use 2% of the industrial land carrying capacity, and produce nearly 20% of the entire industrial output value of Pudong. Then we have a large number of advanced manufacturing enterprises here. In the future, I hope that so many enterprises will be "intelligent", which is helpful for future output and the improvement of the energy level of our park in the future.

【Commentary】Located in the territory of Shanghai Jinqiao Haili Group, the flexible robotic arm transmits the parts required for welding step by step, and the "smart brain" that gathers real-time production data is at a glance on the big screen, but the intelligent transformation of enterprises also puts forward higher requirements for industrial workers.

【During the same period】Shanghai Haili Electric Co., Ltd. Shanghai factory general manager Zhao Haidong

After the intelligent transformation, in fact, we now have to shift more to certain mental workers for front-line employees, from the original manual workers, he needs to master some new technologies, including equipment adjustment, robot debugging, then the requirements for them are getting higher and higher, of course, the corresponding income will also be improved, which is also a win-win result.

【Commentary】Old industrial enterprises are catching up all the way on the road of intelligence, thus breaking through the bottleneck and realizing upgrading and reshaping. For the robot industry starting from scratch, intelligent manufacturing has opened up a variety of application scenarios and new tracks for them, and even changed the role from "catcher" to "leader".

【During the same period】General Manager of Zhongke Siasun Co., Ltd. Li Fashi

In terms of technology, we still say that domestic robots are still at a catch-up level, but our Chinese robot brands or Chinese robots have many multi-machine scenarios, which may only be available in China. Because only China's complete industrial system and the entire complete manufacturing chain trigger a lot of demand for some scenes that you can't see in foreign countries, this demand actually brings a good source to the development of domestic robot brands.

In the ""Robot +" Application Action Implementation Plan" issued by 17 departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China, it is proposed that by 2025, the density of robots in China's manufacturing industry will double compared with 2020.

【During the same period】General Manager of Zhongke Siasun Co., Ltd. Li Fashi

Then our domestic brand robot also has a good advantage is that our domestic robot supply chain is a complete product system, so that our cost, including our cost performance will be better. Therefore, in the process of development in recent years, the proportion of our domestic robot products is gradually increasing.

Domestic industrial robots are catching up, and in the field of service robots, especially in the field of commercial service robots, there is such a Chinese science and technology enterprise, not only achieved the largest domestic shipments in China, even in the global market, its commercial service robot sales volume also came out on top.

【During the same period】Li Tong, CEO of Keenon Intelligent Robot Co., Ltd

In fact, we are not too worried about saying that at this moment, there are new competitors coming in internationally, and the larger you are, the more scenarios you have, and then the performance of your product will be more advantageous.

In an industry like ours, it is actually not "overtaking on a curve", it is "changing lanes and overtaking", which is a bit similar to new energy vehicles. My battery technology, driverless technology, and my large-scale manufacturing have allowed my new energy vehicles to scale up. The reason why service robots can grow rapidly in China and (become) the role of leaders is also for this reason.

When talking about future planning, Li Tong talked about a concept of "new going to sea".

【During the same period】Li Tong, CEO of Keenon Intelligent Robot Co., Ltd

Such an export of high value-added products, and then the export of high-tech products, and this kind of export to developed countries, we ourselves call "new to the sea", which can better represent the future of China's high-end manufacturing.

With the integration and application of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, 5G, big data, and cloud computing in the field of robotics, the level of intelligence of robots will continue to improve, which will also change the traditional manufacturing production mode and become the foundation of national strength and safety.

Reporting by Zhang Hengwei, Li Jiajia, Chen Congyao, Kang Yuzhan, Ma Haoning, Liu Xingtong, and Shanghai

Responsible Editor: [Lu Yan]