Pingtan, June 6 (ZXS) -- In the No. 24 warehouse of Fujian Pingtan Cross-border E-commerce Logistics Park, the containers on the unloading platform are neatly arranged, and the staff is busy packing and packaging.

In the recent "618" shopping festival promotion, Pingtan cross-border e-commerce ushered in a wave of enthusiasm, and warehouse No. 4 completed 94,3 orders during the first wave of promotion. The person in charge of Fujian Youhao Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. told China News Agency in a recent interview that from March to September, consumers had a lot of demand for sunscreen goods, and such goods were the most popular among cross-border goods.

In July 2014, the Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone was closed and operated, and in accordance with the management mode of "first-line relaxation, second-line control, separation of people and goods, and classified management", the whole island was opened, and special policies such as tax exemption, bond, tax refund and selective taxation were implemented one by one. Pingtan's foreign trade has become increasingly active, with an import and export value of 7.2022 billion yuan in 204.

In January 2023, the State Council approved the Overall Development Plan of the Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone (1-2023), which specifies the whole island as a customs supervision area and implements the supervision model of "first-line liberalization and second-line control".

From "first-line relaxation" to "first-line liberalization", Jia Weibin, director of the Office of Free Trade Experiment and Deepening Reform of Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone, believes that this provides more space for Pingtan's future industrial development, and forms a major benefit to tourism, culture, sports, exhibition and trading, R&D services, testing and maintenance, logistics services, etc., which will help create tax-free and bonded-related productive service formats, and derived from the superposition of tax-free consumption and bonded display and trading formats.

At present, the optimization of the new round of negative list of duty-free and duty-free goods and related regulatory measures is in full swing in Pingtan. Pingtan will develop characteristic trade based on the policy measures of "first-line liberalization and second-line control".

Taking the development of a small-scale trade market with Taiwan as an example, Pingtan plans to significantly increase the categories of duty-free goods for trade with Taiwan, and at the same time innovate supervision methods so that tourists can consume and experience Taiwan-origin goods in an authentic way; Overlaying the offline experience consumption mode of cross-border e-commerce, we will gradually introduce high-quality consumer goods such as international luxury goods, alcohol, and beauty to meet the more diversified needs of tourists.

Pingtan is planning to build a cross-strait route supply base to provide bonded oil refueling business for hundreds of ships berthing through the Taiwan Strait every day. Jia Weibin believes that the implementation of the customs supervision model of "first-line liberalization and second-line control" plays an important role in building Pingtan into an important logistics hub between the two sides of the strait, enriching the transportation capacity between the two sides of the strait, and enhancing the competitiveness of shipping routes.

On June 6, the high-speed passenger Ro-Ro ship "Straits" carrying express shipments set off from the Pingtan Ao Qian Passenger Ro-Ro Terminal to Taichung, Taiwan. The direct cargo route from Pingtan Macao Former Passenger Ro-Ro Terminal to Taiwan will be resumed accordingly, and it is planned to open one to two sailings per week.

As the only comprehensive experimental zone for Taiwan in the mainland, Pingtan has continuously promoted comprehensive economic docking, in-depth cultural exchanges and social integration with Taiwan in recent years, accelerated the construction of a cross-strait common home, and become a window for Fujian-Taiwan cooperation.

Jia Weibin revealed that Pingtan will further explore relaxing market access, simplify the investment examination and approval process, promote more effective channels and channels for connecting with the market, personnel, and factors in the Taiwan region, make key breakthroughs in trade freedom and facilitation, development of processing trade, and facilitation of personnel exchanges, and accelerate the construction of a cross-strait common market.

At the same time, Pingtan will continue to expand and strengthen cross-border e-commerce and continue to launch more facilitation support measures around cross-strait trade in agricultural and fishery products; Strengthen cooperation with enterprises in Taiwan in the field of processing trade, and build Pingtan into an important hub node for bonded processing and entrepot trade of Taiwanese commodities.

In terms of personnel exchanges, Pingtan will further reduce the cost of living and employment for Taiwan compatriots in Pingtan, gradually reduce mobile phone long-distance and cross-border roaming charges between Pingtan and Taiwan, and provide more convenient financial services for Taiwan compatriots living in the mainland.

"I want to see more and more Taiwan compatriots living and working here in peace and contentment, giving full play to their strengths, and dedicating their professionalism, enthusiasm and youth to this hot land." Yang Zhean, a young Taiwanese man who is integrated into the development and construction of Pingtan, said: "The future of Pingtan can be expected." (End)