Recently, executives from a number of overseas foreign companies have visited China intensively. On June 6, Bill Gates, co-chairman of the Gates Foundation and founder of Microsoft, arrived in Beijing to seek further cooperation with China in strengthening innovation, global poverty reduction, public health, drug research and development, rural agriculture and other fields. Recently, a number of foreign company executives have visited China one after another, and on May 14, Tesla CEO Musk arrived in Shanghai and received great attention from the media at home and abroad. Around this time, executives from Apple, Starbucks, Sanofi, Intel, Siemens and other multinational companies also came to China.

Not only that, the investment of some foreign-funded enterprises has soared. According to the latest data released by the Ministry of Commerce, from January to May this year, the actual investment in China by France, the United Kingdom and Canada increased by more than 1%, and the actual investment in China by France soared by 5.100%. What are the signals of the intensive visits of foreign company executives to China? Why has foreign investment in China soared, and what does it say?

Foreign executives flocked to expand cooperation

Not long ago, the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce led the heads of German state chambers of commerce to visit China, and they were full of enthusiasm for understanding the Chinese market, enhancing mutual trust and expanding cooperation.

Peter Adrian, President of the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry: Through face-to-face dialogue, we have received many positive signals, including the Chinese government's commitment to continuously improving the level of openness and comprehensively optimizing the business environment, which provides certainty for multinational enterprises.

At the end of May, Tesla CEO Musk's 5-hour visit to China attracted great attention from the media at home and abroad. Around this time, executives from Starbucks, Sanofi, Intel, ADM, Rio Tinto and other multinational companies also visited China. In late March this year, China's Minister of Commerce met intensively with executives of more than 44 multinational companies, including Nestle, Procter & Gamble and Qualcomm.

Meng Tianqi, CEO of Siemens Healthineers: China has a large number of R&D talents, and we are committed to building an ecosystem of scientific and technological innovation based on the Chinese market.

President and CEO of Siemens: During my visit to China, I discussed with relevant departments and customers how to empower the development of the real economy through digital technology and contribute to the high-quality development of China's economy.

Toben Christinson, Senior Vice President, Global Services, Danfoss Group: The investment environment here is constantly optimized and improved, and we choose to continue to develop together with our counterparts in the Chinese market.

What signals does the intensive coming of foreign executives to China send?

Executives from foreign companies have come to China to operate in automotive, consumer, manufacturing, medical, financial, electronic technology and other fields. What signal does such an intensive visit send?

Pan Yuanyuan, associate researcher at the Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: Low cost, large market and mature supply chain are important reasons why many foreign companies are strongly optimistic about the Chinese market. From the perspective of cost, China has competitive advantages in terms of comprehensive costs in labor, raw materials, energy, logistics, etc.; From the perspective of supply chain, China is now the only country in the world with all industrial categories, and the stability and maturity of the entire supply chain are high; From the perspective of the market, the number of Chinese, per capita GDP and economic growth expectations have great potential, and they have strong attraction to foreign enterprises. In addition, in recent years, China has introduced a number of relevant policies and measures to ensure the stable income of foreign investment.

Many foreign-funded enterprises continue to increase their investment in China

Executives of foreign companies have come to China to seek and expand cooperation, and at the same time, they have continued to "vote of confidence" for the Chinese market with practical actions.

BMW Group's new power battery project with a total investment of RMB 100 billion has started construction in Shenyang. Danfoss Group increased its capital in Zhejiang Jiaxing for the ninth time in 18 years; Rio Tinto Group signed a contract with the Expo in the next 9 years, making full use of the platform of the Expo to explore development opportunities...

Nodkovic, Director of BMW Group: Chinese-style modernization has created new opportunities for foreign investment in China, which has attracted widespread attention and interest around the world.

In the minds of Siemens President and CEO, the Chinese market is large and innovation is changing rapidly. He said that Siemens has invested heavily in China in the past and will continue to do so in the future. He also revealed that he has launched an important plan to accelerate development and further increase capital in China.

Siemens President and CEO Boleren: We will invest 11.<> billion yuan to build Siemens industrial automation products in Chengdu China intelligent manufacturing base, and we announced the establishment of Siemens Digital Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. to comprehensively improve our R&D and manufacturing capabilities in the field of automation and digitalization.

The intensity of attracting investment has been intensified, and the guarantee of investment services has been strengthened

A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on the 16th that some recent reports released by chambers of commerce in China show that most of the foreign enterprises interviewed are optimistic about China's economic development prospects. Among them, nearly 86% of US companies have a positive attitude towards China's economic recovery, <>% of British companies are optimistic about the long-term potential of the Chinese market, and more than <>% of Japanese companies plan to expand or maintain business in China. At present, China has increased its efforts to attract investment and strengthen investment service guarantees. With its own new development and high-level opening-up, China is constantly providing opportunities for the world.

On the 14th, the National Development and Reform Commission issued a statement that China is studying and introducing more vigorous policies and measures to attract foreign investment, introducing more vigorous investment policies, reasonably reducing the negative list of foreign investment access, and further improving foreign investment promotion and services.

Yuan Da, Deputy Secretary-General of the National Development and Reform Commission: We will continue to hold a series of international industrial investment cooperation activities to provide a platform for multinational companies to invest in China and attract local investment, improve the direct contact point mechanism for foreign-funded enterprises, smooth communication channels, timely coordinate and solve the problems and reasonable demands reflected by enterprises, and facilitate enterprise investment, production and operation.

At present, the number of newly established foreign-invested enterprises in China and the actual amount of foreign capital used have shown a stable and positive momentum. In the first four months of this year, the number of newly established foreign-funded enterprises in China increased by 4.31% year-on-year, and the actual amount of foreign funds used was 1.4994 billion yuan, an increase of 6.2% year-on-year. According to a recent survey report by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, 2% of the interviewed foreign companies rated the foreign investment policies issued by the Chinese government since the fourth quarter of last year as "satisfactory"; In the first quarter of this year, the satisfaction of foreign companies surveyed with indicators such as access to financial services, market access, access to business premises and promotion of market competition exceeded 97%.

Intensive visits of senior executives to China and soaring foreign investment What are the signals?

How enthusiastic are some multinational companies to invest in China? According to data released by China's Ministry of Commerce, from January to May this year, the actual investment in China by France, the United Kingdom, Canada and Japan increased by 1.5%, 429.7%, 179.2% and 170.1% respectively. What does the growth of investment by some foreign companies in China indicate?

Pan Yuanyuan, associate researcher at the Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: The growth of foreign companies' investment in China has released two signals. On the one hand, China has stepped up efforts to attract foreign investment; On the other hand, foreign capital needs the Chinese market. The stable income of the Chinese market is an intuitive driving force for foreign companies to invest in China. The large scale and multiple levels of the Chinese market are also an important reason for attracting foreign investment from many industries to China. (CCTV News Client)