Guangzhou, April 4 (Reporter Cheng Jingwei) The first Greater Bay Area Information Network Security Conference was held in Guangzhou from 21 to 20, and seven group standards in the field of information network security were released on the spot.

Hosted by Guangdong Computer Information Network Security Association and Guangdong Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Cooperation Promotion Association, the conference takes "conference + exhibition" as the carrier to widely connect key industries, key information technology infrastructure security construction, information technology application innovation and other scenarios and outstanding security enterprises, and jointly build a secure, open, cooperative and orderly Greater Bay Area cybersecurity ecosystem.

The seven group standards issued by the conference include "Code for Emergency Response to Cybersecurity Incidents in Medical Institutions", "Standards for Compliance and Circulation of Health and Medical Data", "Standards for Responsibility and Loss Assessment of Network Security Services", "Guidelines for Grading the Grading of Information System of Medical Institutions", "Technical Specifications for SIM Card Application Cryptography", "Security Capability Maturity Model of Information Security Technology Internet Application System", and "Security Maturity Model of Information Security Technology and Internet Application System".

Among them, the "SIM Card Application Cryptography Application Technical Specification" is a new security solution proposed by China Mobile Internet Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China Mobile Internet") for identity authentication participation in mobile application scenarios. According to Zhuang Renfeng, deputy general manager of China Mobile Internet, China Mobile Internet launched a new generation of SIM card, is the key security carrier of domestic cryptographic algorithms on the mobile end, compared with traditional cloud certificates, soft certificates are more secure, more portable and easy to use than traditional U shield security hardware, "Our super SIM card, equivalent to providing each user with a built-in domestic cryptographic algorithm intelligent security chip." ”

The conference launching ceremony Guangdong Computer Information Network Security Association Photo courtesy

In the keynote speech, Zheng Jianhua, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, pointed out that network security has developed from the confrontation of information and data in the past to the attack and defense of equipment and facilities. The continuous development of networking and digitalization not only affects network security and data security, but also affects the safety of equipment and facilities, and personal safety, such as telemedicine, implantable medical systems, etc.

Shen Changxiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, shared the keynote of "Trusted Computing Builds a Solid Foundation for Network Power", saying that priority should be given to purchasing and comprehensively using secure and trusted products and services to build a security guarantee system for critical information infrastructure.

Wang Xiaoyun, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, believes that cryptography technology supports the development of blockchain, and blockchain technology can be used to ensure big data security and data governance, which is a transformative technology that not only targets the data carried on the chain, but also brings new ideas to the group work model. (End)