The Government lives in a permanent countdown with the future Housing Law but it has not just closed it.

The negotiations between the partners of the Executive and its allies have been stalled for months and with the regional and municipal elections in May on the horizon, the PSOE has put on the table a new proposal to limit the ceiling on rents in an attempt to save


in extremis' the norm.

The proposal goes through establishing a temporary limit of 3% for the review of lease contracts in force throughout the year 2024. Currently, this limitation is 2% and is part of the special decree of measures that the Executive raised as a plan to cope with high inflation.

Said limitation is in force until the end of 2023 and the new proposal, advanced by

El País

, would mean extending it for another twelve months and raising it to 3%, while waiting for the new reference price index contemplated in the future Housing Law to be ready. .

The Socialists trust in this way that

ERC and Bildu

accept one of the main obstacles that keeps the text stranded in the parliamentary debate, but sources familiar with the negotiations do not quite see it so clearly.

Both formations are the key for the norm to finally see the light.

United We Can has been more reticent from the outset to accept certain changes that the PSOE has tried to introduce even after the text came out of the Council of Ministers, but at the same time it cannot oppose a law that constitutes one of its political flags .

In this scenario, ERC and Bildu exert the pressure that UP cannot do, hence the mission of the Socialists to convince the Catalans and the Basques ahead of the



"Without ERC and without Bildu we would not be talking about this situation of blockade

because the PSOE would have passed over the resistance of Unidas Podemos," say the same sources consulted by EL MUNDO.

Meanwhile, the two government partners encourage the ceremony of confusion.

The Minister of Finance,

María Jesús Montero

, has announced this Thursday that "practically" there is already an agreement within the coalition government on the Housing Law, pending only some elements that are still under discussion.

Asked if one of these fringes is to cap the revaluation of the rental price at 3%, Montero has not specified if this issue is already closed with United We Can and has limited himself to pointing out that "some elements of the law are still in debate", according to Europa Press.

Almost at the same time, the Minister of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda,

Ione Belarra

, dismissed this possibility through a message on Twitter: "The housing law is very urgent for our country, but above all it is urgent that it be a good law that includes an effective rental regulation and contributes to expanding the public housing stock. Unfortunately today we are no closer to an agreement than yesterday," he wrote.

Sources from the Ministry of


confirm the 3% proposal to EL MUNDO, but warn that there are still aspects to be closed and assure that "we are not at a very different point from weeks ago."

"The groups continue working to close a parliamentary agreement on the housing law [...] The important thing is to establish a good set of measures that guarantee that access to decent housing is not a problem, but rather a right, and for that there is to always see the measures as a whole", they point out.

Regarding the regulation of rent updates, "they are limited to 2% throughout the year 2023. Beyond that date, and within the framework of the parliamentary negotiation of the housing law, this is one of the issues that still "They are open in the negotiation, they are working on it and we trust that there will soon be an agreement on the pending issues. Until it is closed, we cannot enter to assess concrete measures," they add.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • living place

  • Rent