The general secretary of the UGT,

Pepe Álvarez

, has


this Thursday that

the Government is attacking businessmen

and has defended that during the pandemic

it has "irrigated" public money to the productive fabric

of the country.


I don't think there is an attack by the government on businessmen

. It is not the same to talk about businessmen in general as to cite certain people to whom the president has referred. I think we should be licking some wounds, because

the government has watered to companies in the country in an important way

. During the entire covid process, for every euro dedicated to social policies there were five euros dedicated to the protection of the productive system in our country and that is what really matters to me and is of interest"


has defended

in a meeting organized by EL MUNDO.

The UGT leader

has attacked Ferrovial

for its decision to move its headquarters to the Netherlands and has described as "


" that the company alleges a

lack of legal security

in the country.

"It is normal for the government to be extraordinarily annoyed that they allege these reasons. Ferrovial is leaving Spain with a temporary stop in the Netherlands with the prospect of going to the American market, which is where it has its business," he highlighted.

The loss of tax revenue derived from his departure, he has ironized, will not be "to start crying" either and has minimized

the impact that the exit will have on the

group's employment in Spain.

"People will be able to leave the central offices, but not in the rest of the areas because they cannot be produced in the Netherlands: street cleaning, selective collection, the multi-service company or the construction that it does in Spain will not be able to do it there ".

"It seems bad to me because

it is a company that owes everything to Spain,

and it still seems worse to me that it has not been explained in these terms," ​​he has settled.

Faced with other criticism from the Executive of companies like


-the Minister of Social Affairs, Ione Belarra called Juan Roig a "ruthless capitalist"-, Álvarez

has defended his work

: "Put the focus on companies in our country that pay the best salaries in the distribution and commerce sector and that it has a social work of a certain magnitude in some communities

does not seem correct to me

", he highlighted.

On the contrary

, he has criticized Carrefour

for announcing that in France it will offer a shopping basket with 200 products at a regulated price and not doing the same in Spain: "Here they have not told us anything, so I understand that this

purchase of the French are going to pay for it

in part", he lamented.

Possible salary agreement with CEOE

The UGT leader has been optimistic about the possibility of reaching a consensus with the employers to renew the

Agreement for Employment and Collective Bargaining (AENC)

, despite the fact that the proposal presented jointly with the CCOO has been rejected by the employer .

The main


encountered by the representatives of the employers are the


of time -reviews are proposed for 2022, when the agreements for that year are already closed- and the

salary review


in accordance with inflation and business benefits -measured from a way that the CEOE questions-.

Asked about the possibility of linking these salary reviews to


, Álvarez has opened up to negotiating it: "You can propose it,

we are not closed to being proposed to us.

As it is an agreement and not an agreement, and then it is developed in each negotiation ,

there are chances of agreement.

Since there aren't any, it's saying no, but putting proposals on the table is possible," he confided.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • UGT

  • Netherlands

  • railway

  • Holland


  • Juan Roig

  • Carrefour