A-shares have another local tyrant secretary!

  The secretary of the board of directors of Aofei Data, a listed company in the A-share IDC field, will "pay out of his own pocket" 400 million yuan to buy his own stocks, which is almost equivalent to a thousand times his annual salary.

The disclosed data shows that the board secretary's salary in 2021 will be 414,300 yuan.

  It is worth mentioning that the share price performance of Aofei Data has been outstanding this year.

On March 8, the big data sector became active again. Aofei Data rose 5.29% to close at 13.93 yuan per share, an increase of nearly 60% during the year, with a total market value of 9.625 billion yuan.

According to the announcement, the company’s board secretary will purchase 5% of the company’s shares at a price of 11.7 yuan per share. According to the latest closing price, the floating profit has been 19%.

The secretary of the board of directors "out of pocket" 400 million to buy 5% of the company's shares

  On March 3, Aofei Data announced that the company's controlling shareholder Haomeng Technology signed the "Share Transfer Agreement" with He Yuliang on March 1, 2023. 34.55 million shares (accounting for 5.0001% of the company's total share capital) were transferred to He Yuliang at a price of 11.7 yuan per share. The total price of the share transfer was about 404 million yuan.

The transfer of the share agreement will not lead to changes in the company's controlling shareholder and actual controller.

  Before the agreement transfer, He Yuliang held 4.0608 million shares of Aofei Data, accounting for 0.5889% of the company's total share capital.

After the share transfer is completed, Haomeng Technology will hold 192 million shares of the company, accounting for 27.79% of the company's total share capital; He Yuliang will hold 38.619 million shares of the company, accounting for 5.589% of the company's total share capital.

  The announcement shows that He Yuliang is currently a director, deputy general manager, and secretary of the board of directors of the company. He does not have the circumstances stipulated in Article 148 of the "Company Law", and there has been no record of bad integrity in the securities market in the past three years.

According to the announcement, the share transfer price will be paid in three installments, with a total of about 400 million yuan, which will be paid by He Yuliang with his own funds and self-raised funds.

  The announcement stated that this equity change is based on the transferee's firm confidence in the company's strategic development and full recognition of the company's long-term investment value and future development prospects. In-depth cooperation to enhance the company's cohesion and competitiveness; this equity change is also a decision made by the transferor based on its own business development, and the price will be used to supplement the working capital of daily operations.

This change in equity will not lead to changes in the company's controlling shareholder and actual controller, and there will be no damage to the interests of the company or other shareholders.

This transaction will not affect the independence of the company's personnel, assets, finance, business, organization, etc., nor will it affect the company's governance structure and continuous operation.

Annual salary of 410,000 yuan in 2021

  It is worth noting that He Yuliang is not only the secretary of the board of directors of Aofei Data, but also one of the top ten shareholders of the company.

The announcement shows that before listing, He Yuliang held 400,000 original shares of the company, accounting for 0.82% of the total shares. He Yuliang holds 4.0691 million shares of Aofei Data, accounting for 0.5889% of the company's total share capital.

  According to the data, He Yuliang, born in August 1980, graduated from Sun Yat-sen University majoring in tourism and hotel management with a bachelor's degree. In 2016, he obtained the qualification certificate for the secretary of the board of directors of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

Since 2014, he has served as director, deputy general manager and secretary of the board of directors of Aofei Data.

  Wind data shows that He Yuliang's salary in 2021 will be 414,300 yuan.

The purchase of shares requires payment of about 400 million yuan.

  According to Qichacha, He Yuliang has served as the legal representatives of five companies, two of which are in the state of cancellation.

Shares up nearly 60% this year

  In terms of stock prices, recently, the big data sector has been active, and the stock price of Aofei Data has risen by nearly 60% during the year.

  According to the data, Aofei Data is a leading IDC service provider in South China. At the beginning of its establishment, it mainly focused on bandwidth rental business. In 2014, it began to strategically transform to its own data center. After listing in 2018, the company relied on capital to continuously pass internal Accelerate the capital investment of self-built data centers, improve the national layout through external acquisitions, and accelerate the deployment of national cabinets in core cities.

As of the first half of 2022, the company has 12 self-built data centers in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Haikou, Nanning, and Langfang, with 22,000 available cabinets, a year-on-year increase of 29.41%.

  Guosen Securities Research Report stated that with the release of the "Overall Layout Plan for the Construction of Digital China" and the implementation of relevant top-level plans, the construction of digital China has been included in the assessment indicators for leading cadres, demonstrating the determination to fully deploy digital China.

The communication industry is a digital infrastructure and an important participant in the data element industry, and is expected to benefit from it in an all-round way, focusing on:

  (1) Data elements drive the revaluation of operators’ value: Operators are one of the important participants of data suppliers and data service providers, and the value of operators’ assets needs to be revalued urgently after data assets enter the table; (2) Computing power infrastructure: Computing power infrastructure is the key infrastructure for the construction of digital China. Investment in the "East Counting and West Computing" project is expected to accelerate, superimposed AI structural demand catalysis, equipment manufacturers, third-party IDC manufacturers, etc. are expected to benefit; (3) low valuation and government Expenditure-beneficiary sectors: The current valuation levels of the Internet of Things and Beidou in digital infrastructure are reasonable and have room for improvement. At the same time, the integration of digital technology with government affairs, social services, and ecological environment requires government spending support. Related manufacturers To G business With better flexibility, it is recommended to focus on sectors that benefit from government spending such as Beidou

  Li Yanzheng, the fund manager of Furong Fund, believes that the TMT industry may usher in a cyclical upward turning point, and the turning point of computers may be earlier.

In the past two years, due to the reduction of government IT spending, delays in on-site delivery, and slow penetration of 5G due to the impact of the epidemic, the performance of the computer industry has declined significantly, dragging down the industry's market performance.

Recently, many policies have been supporting the upward development of the computer industry. Superimposed with the scientific adjustment of epidemic prevention and control policies, it is expected that the fundamentals of the computer industry will improve in the first half of this year.

At the same time, the emergence of new technologies will greatly stimulate the demand for related applications in the entire computer industry, including AI servers, making us more confident in the industry trend in the next 1-2 years.

  (Brokers China)