, March 9th. According to news from the website of the Henan Provincial Local Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau on the 9th, on March 3rd, the provincial local financial work conference was held in Zhengzhou.

The meeting emphasized that the province's local financial work departments should adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, prevent financial risks, improve financial supervision, optimize financial services, anchor the "two guarantees", and focus on The "Ten Strategies" provide strong financial support for the construction of modern Henan.

  The first is to strengthen financial support for weak links in key areas.

Optimize financial services for market entities, increase financial support in the field of science and technology innovation and the real estate market, implement special actions to support rural revitalization, deepen online normalization of bank-enterprise connection, and promote new loans of more than 700 billion yuan in the province.

  The second is to increase the proportion of direct financing.

Vigorously cultivate the listing of enterprises, increase the refinancing of listed companies, expand the scale of bond financing, promote the reconstruction of ZCE's advantages, give full play to the functions of the regional equity market, and strive to add 20 new domestic and foreign listed companies throughout the year.

  The third is to deepen local financial reform.

Adhere to marketization and rule of law, focus on key points, make up for weaknesses, and promote the reform of rural credit cooperatives and the high-quality development of urban commercial banks, and improve the level and level of financial industry development in our province through reform.

  The fourth is to prevent and defuse financial risks.

Increase awareness of urgency, strengthen bottom-line thinking, strengthen risk investigation, monitoring and safe disposal, strictly control illegal financial activities such as illegal fund-raising, and resolutely hold the bottom line of preventing systemic and regional financial risks.

  The fifth is to optimize the financial ecology.

Put the creation of a good financial ecology in a more prominent position, tell the story of Henan's finance, spread the voice of Henan's finance, shape a good image of the region, and create a good environment for the high-quality development of the financial industry in our province.

  The sixth is to strengthen the supervision of local financial organizations.

Adhere to "focusing on the main business, reducing volume and improving quality, strictly supervising, and keeping the bottom line", improve the supervision system, implement full-chain supervision, improve the standard development level of local financial organizations, and promote local financial organizations to play a greater role in high-quality economic development effect.

  The seventh is to carry out capacity building.

Focus on the construction of ability and style of work, integrate it into daily life, and embed it in work, so as to further improve the ability to perform duties, boost the mental state, and improve work efficiency.

(China New Finance and Economics)