China News Service, March 9th (Reporter Li Jinlei) "Science and technology policies should focus on self-reliance and self-improvement. Improve the new national system, give full play to the organizational role of the government in key core technology research, and highlight the dominant position of enterprises in technological innovation." Government Work Report so requested.

  How to speed up the realization of high-level technological self-reliance?

During the two sessions of the country, Jin Li, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and vice president of Southern University of Science and Technology, told's "China New Observation" column that large-scale innovation in hard-core technology is the only way for China to achieve high-level technological self-reliance.

To make the human capital market for scientific and technological innovation bigger and stronger, promote research universities to better serve innovation and entrepreneurship, and create a policy environment conducive to innovation and entrepreneurship.

Drawing by Xu Pengyu

Make the Human Capital Market Bigger and Stronger with Scientific and Technological Innovation

  "Some countries are afraid of the improvement of China's national strength, and have blocked my country in terms of technology, talents, and supply chains. We must fully promote hard-core technological innovation to ensure the country's survival and development space. This is a huge challenge for my country's high-quality development and Opportunities." In Jin Li's view, hard-core technology is the key to advanced productivity, and people are the core element of advanced productivity.

  Jin Li said that at present, the human capital of my country's scientific and technological innovation is scattered and has not been effectively integrated.

Innovative and entrepreneurial enterprises that explore hard-core technologies are often in a state of going it alone. Although they have a passionate founding team, they lack a variety of human resources, and the talent team and echelon are not organized.

An ecosystem of free flow, circulation, sharing, and resonance of human capital has not yet been formed, which restricts the vitality and motivation of technological innovation.

  Jin Li believes that the country, enterprises, society, and individuals should work together in the same direction, continuously revitalize the stock, and increase its increment, so that the overall value of my country's scientific and technological innovation human capital market will grow rapidly, and the positive cycle of the talent chain and innovation chain will be realized .

  How to break up relatively independent circle units and build a large ecosystem?

He suggested that to break the barriers of circles and establish an open human capital platform, we can consider promoting the advantages of open academic platforms in relevant universities to create an open and shared innovation and entrepreneurship talent resource pool and "circle of friends".

  "It is necessary to clear up incremental congestion points and build a growth ladder for human capital appreciation." Jin Li said that it is necessary to break the restrictions on identity mobility and adapt to new business forms such as frequent job changes, flexible employment, and multiple jobs.

Encourage all sectors of society to provide "consultant team" and "smart mentor" services for innovation and entrepreneurship activities.

Vigorously cultivate the middle-level team to promote the balanced development of scientific and technological innovation human resource structure.

Promote research universities to better serve innovation and entrepreneurship

  "Education, technology, and talents are the basic and strategic support for building a socialist modern country in an all-round way." The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China listed education, technology, and talents as special chapters for deployment.

  Jin Li said that research universities play an irreplaceable role in the national innovation system. In the face of major changes unseen in a century, how to promote the comprehensive connection of scientific and educational resources to the innovation-driven development strategy and continuously shape new development momentum and new advantages is worth studying and discussing. ponder.

  Jin Li pointed out that enterprises are the main body of scientific and technological innovation, and small and medium-sized enterprises and start-up teams are the "living water" of innovation and entrepreneurship.

However, the vast number of small enterprises and small teams often face resource bottlenecks such as manpower, intelligence, and technology, and the success rate of innovation and entrepreneurship is low.

The great development of innovation and entrepreneurship requires the help of research universities.

  In his view, the current fusion of the "four chains" of my country's innovation chain, industry chain, capital chain, and talent chain is disconnected from each other, and an innovation ecology that integrates government, industry, learning, research, and application has not yet formed.

For a long time, universities and scientific research institutions have been guided by "two pieces of paper" (that is, papers and patents), relying on the government for funding, lacking motivation in the service industry, and failing to effectively connect with the real economy.

  To this end, Jin Li suggested that colleges and universities should give full play to their advantages such as talent pools, frontier and forward-looking, complete disciplines, open and shared resources, and international exchange platforms to promote the full flow, sharing, and value-added of various innovative resources.

It is necessary to make full use of high-end human resources in universities, carry out teaching and research activities around the needs of scientific and technological innovation, and smooth the flow of resources from academia-industry-venture capital circles.

Create a policy environment conducive to innovation and entrepreneurship

  "Hard-core technological innovation has high technical threshold, large capital demand, long investment cycle and high risk. Entrepreneurial failure is a high probability event." Jin Li pointed out that in recent years, the concept of entrepreneurial innovation has gradually gained popularity, but encouraging innovation and forgiving failure is a good idea. The environment is far from being formed.

  "Nine out of ten entrepreneurs die", but this is not necessarily the end of innovation and entrepreneurship, but just a step in the long journey of entrepreneurship.

Jin Li said that only those people and teams who are daring to be the first, persevering, and repeatedly defeated, can become great entrepreneurs, create huge social wealth, and promote technological progress.

  "The losers are not necessarily talents, but the time has not come and the conditions are not ripe. But in reality, these losers are often valued silently." Jin Li believes that in order to provide resources for the losers to start a new business, the intellectual community must fully absorb the failure cases Through the guidance of public opinion, create a social atmosphere that advocates technology, embraces technology innovation, and tolerates failure.

  Jin Li suggested that the government and society should make the best use of the situation, reduce the cost of entrepreneurial failure, and let the losers be respected, so that the aspiring and brave will push forward scientific and technological innovation, and form an innovative situation of "the world's talents gather in China, and all kinds of frosts compete for freedom". .

(China New Finance and Economics)