Many international institutions have raised their forecasts for China's economic growth in 2023

"Make greater contributions to the development of the world economy" (International community sees China's optimization of epidemic prevention and control measures)

  In 2022, the epidemic of the century will be repeatedly delayed, and the fragility of the world economy will become more prominent. China will effectively coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, increase macro-control efforts, effectively respond to the impact of unexpected factors, and stabilize the macroeconomic market. The economic aggregate and The per capita level continued to increase.

This report card fully demonstrates that China's economy has strong resilience, great potential and vitality, and its long-term fundamentals have not changed.

  Recently, many international investment institutions predict that as China optimizes and adjusts epidemic prevention and control measures, China's economy will continue to boost rapidly.

International people interviewed by our reporter said that as China’s epidemic prevention and control enters a new stage and the order of production and life is restored, the endogenous power of China’s economic growth will continue to accumulate and strengthen, and the dividends of deepening reform and opening up will continue to be released. Make greater contributions to promoting the recovery of the world economy.

“It is not easy to hand over such a report card”

  In the past three years, China has effectively responded to the impact of the global epidemic and avoided the large-scale spread of relatively strong pathogenic strains such as the original strain and the delta variant strain.

Facts have proved that China strives to achieve the maximum prevention and control effect at the minimum cost, and minimize the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development.

  Tang Zhimin, director of the China-ASEAN Research Center of Zhengda School of Management in Thailand, said that the anti-epidemic efforts in the past three years have allowed China to win three valuable "window periods": the window period during which the toxicity of the new coronavirus mutant strain continued to decline, drug research and development, and medical treatment capabilities. The window period for further enhancement, and the window period for widespread vaccination of the whole population.

"China has effectively responded to the impact of the global epidemic. Under the complex situation of a century of changes and a century of epidemics, it is not easy for China's economy to deliver such a report card." Tang Zhimin said.

  Hugo Lopez Ochoa, a researcher at the Schiller Institute, said that in the past three years, China's economy has grown at an average annual rate of 4.5%, which is significantly higher than the world average and maintains a leading position among the world's major economies.

"This fully shows that China's economy has strong resilience, great potential, and sufficient vitality, and its long-term fundamentals have not changed."

  "Behind the 'stabilization' of the Chinese economy is the trust of the Chinese people in the Chinese government." What impressed Xia Huasheng, an associate professor of international finance at the Vargas Foundation University in Brazil, was that during the epidemic prevention and control period, the Chinese government issued a number of measures. Measures to stabilize the economy, such as increasing tax cuts and fee reductions for small and medium-sized enterprises, and tax rebates and tax deferrals.

In 2022, the People's Bank of China will cut the reserve requirement ratio twice, providing the real economy with long-term liquidity exceeding 1 trillion yuan.

  Tomoo Marukawa, a professor at the Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Tokyo in Japan, said that at the beginning of the epidemic, China, through arduous efforts, achieved decisive results in the defense of Wuhan and Hubei in about three months, and took the lead in resuming work and production. The only major economy in the world to achieve positive growth.

Over the past three years, China has made great contributions to the stability of the world economy.

Marukawa also mentioned that at the China Central Economic Work Conference held at the end of last year, China proposed to encourage and support the development of the private economy and private enterprises, which he appreciated very much.

  Economist Marcio Borman, director of Brazil's Lula Institute, said: "In the past three years, China's economy has withstood the test of the epidemic, showing vigorous vitality and great potential." He quoted the latest report data as saying that China The scale of the digital economy has accounted for nearly 40% of the GDP, and it is continuing to expand the scale of consumption and investment.

In addition, China's long-term efforts to build an ecological civilization have made China a world leader in solar panel production and wind energy equipment manufacturing.

"Demonstrated great resilience and great potential"

  The Wuhan Autoneng Gigafactory invested by SAIC General Motors was completed and put into production; Schneider Electric’s key power supply innovation laboratory officially started operations in Shanghai; Bosch Group announced that it will invest about 1 billion euros in Suzhou to build core components of new energy vehicles and an autonomous driving R&D and manufacturing base... …Behind the continuous capital increase or new layout of the Chinese market by multinational companies is the enduring confidence of the international community in China's economic growth potential.

  "China has taken active measures to minimize the negative impact of the epidemic on the economy, and is now optimizing and adjusting the epidemic prevention policy based on scientific information and research." Brazilian economist Ronnie Lins said that China has the world's most complete industrial system and potential The largest domestic demand market, the manufacturing scale accounts for 30% of the world, and it is an important hub of the global manufacturing industry. This is the "ballast stone" for the stability of China's economic market.

  "This year, the international community generally has a positive attitude towards China's economy." Felix Valdivieso, director of the China Research Center of IE University in Spain, believes that through effective resource allocation, especially factors such as expansion of domestic demand and increase in infrastructure spending, will provide economic growth for China. China's economic recovery has laid a solid foundation.

  This year's Spring Festival holiday, China's domestic tourists traveled 308 million times, a year-on-year increase of 23.1%; the sales revenue of national consumption-related industries increased by 12.2% compared with the previous year's Spring Festival holiday... A set of data reflects the good momentum of China's economic stabilization and recovery.

  "This year is a year for China's economy to start again, and China's economic growth will be more stable." Liu Linan, director of macro strategy for Greater China at Deutsche Bank, said that the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to speed up the construction of a digital China.

"In the future, China's high-quality development will be driven more by innovation, and digital transformation will become a powerful engine for China's economic growth."

  "In the face of the epidemic situation and the uncertainty of the world economy, the Chinese economy has shown strong resilience and great potential. This can be fully felt from the continuous increase in China's economic aggregate and per capita level." Christie, editor-in-chief of the French "New Solidarity" Na Bier said that China has always emphasized the building of an open world economy, and the stability of China's economic fundamentals means more opportunities for foreign companies, which will continue to empower world trade and economic recovery.

"Continue to move forward along the high-quality development channel"

  Recently, the International Monetary Fund, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, JPMorgan Chase and many other international institutions have raised their forecasts for China's economic growth in 2023, believing that China's optimization and adjustment of epidemic prevention and control policies and other factors will improve China's and global economic growth prospects .

  "The Chinese economy is one of the important engines of world economic growth. With the optimization of epidemic prevention policies, China's economic activities have resumed faster than expected. China's economic resilience will inject confidence and strength into global economic growth." Former economist of the World Bank Says Mwangi Wajira.

  Since last year, China has released a new version of the Catalog of Industries Encouraging Foreign Investment, and introduced a series of special policies to promote investment in the manufacturing industry and encourage the development of foreign-funded R&D centers. Lins spoke highly of this.

He said: "China insists on promoting high-level opening up to the outside world and comprehensively deepening reforms, which will push the big ship of the Chinese economy to continue along the high-quality development channel and provide huge opportunities for the world economy."

  "Against the pressure on the world economy and the weakening momentum of global trade, China has actively expanded its opening up to the outside world, and its foreign trade has shown strong resilience. This is inseparable from China's development plan and clear goals." Ochoa said that China is a global industry China's economic growth is crucial to the development of various fields in the world today.

"China encourages scientific and technological innovation and supports the attraction and utilization of foreign investment. I believe China will make greater contributions to the development of the world economy."

  "The healthy growth of China's economy will help offset the challenges facing global development." Tang Zhimin believes that in 2023, China's economic vitality will be further released, and it will continue to be the "stabilizer" of the world economy towards recovery and the "engine" of growth.

  (Newspaper Beijing, Bangkok, Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo, Madrid, Paris, Washington, February 7, by reporters Yu Yichun, Liu Hui, Xie Jianing, Bi Mengying, Yue Linwei, Yan Huan, Liu Lingling, Li Zhiwei)

  (People's Daily)