The head of the Federal Employment Agency, Andrea Nahles, calls on the federal states to make more efforts to reduce the number of school dropouts.

"For some time now, the legislature has actually required the federal states to pass on the data of school leavers without a degree to us so that we can get in touch with these young people," said Nahles of the "Rheinische Post" (Wednesday).

But only two countries would do this fully so far, this situation is "unacceptable".

"We have to ensure that fewer people of a year are only eligible for helper jobs because they have no school and then no vocational training," emphasized Nahles.

According to their information, around 47,000 young people left school in 2021 alone.

"The federal agency has great problems reaching these young people," complained the former SPD party leader.

“Companies keep their employees”

As part of the Federal Government's skilled labor strategy, the number of school dropouts must be reduced.

Other components are more female employment, longer working in old age and more immigration of skilled workers.

With a view to the job market this year, Nahles was optimistic.

"At the beginning of 2023 we have half a million more employees subject to social security contributions than a year ago," she emphasized.

"We see that companies continue to keep their employees even in the crisis because they know that they may not get people back."

To better combat the shortage of skilled workers, the former Federal Minister of Labor called on companies to introduce special jobs for seniors.

"Companies could grant older employees special time off, more flexible weekly working hours or activities that do not physically overburden them and where they can contribute their know-how well - for example in training and qualifications," she told the newspaper.