China News Agency, Beijing, December 13 (Reporter Li Xiaoyu) In response to China's prosecution at the WTO against the United States for abusing export control measures to restrict trade in products such as chips, the head of the Department of Treaty and Law of the Ministry of Commerce of China said on the night of the 12th that this is China's defense of its legitimate rights and interests. It is hoped that the US will correct its wrongdoing in a timely manner.

  On December 12, 2022, China referred the United States' export control measures to China's chips and other products to the WTO dispute settlement mechanism.

  The head of the Department of Treaty and Law of the Ministry of Commerce said in response to a reporter's question that the United States has continued to generalize the concept of national security in recent years, abused export control measures, hindered the normal international trade of chips and other products, threatened the stability of the global industrial chain and supply chain, and disrupted the international economic and trade order. Violating international economic and trade rules, violating basic economic laws, and harming the interests of global peace and development are typical trade protectionist practices.

  The person in charge said that China's filing of a lawsuit at the WTO is to resolve China's concerns through legal means and is a necessary way to defend its legitimate rights and interests.

  The person in charge said that China hopes that the United States will abandon its zero-sum game thinking, correct wrong practices in a timely manner, stop disrupting the trade of high-tech products such as chips, maintain normal economic and trade exchanges between China and the United States, and maintain the stability of the global supply chain of important industrial chains such as chips.
