
High-tech zones accelerate "digital butterfly change" (Online China)

  With the mutual empowerment of new-generation information technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence, and industrial Internet, the pace of China's economic and social digital transformation has been accelerating in recent years.

The Ministry of Science and Technology recently issued the "14th Five-Year" National High-tech Industrial Development Zone Development Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), which proposed to strengthen the promotion and application of digital technology in the park's intelligent transformation, and guide the national high-tech zones to promote digital technology and manufacturing The in-depth integration of industries and service industries has given birth to new industries, new formats and new models.

Experts believe that high-tech zones should make full use of technological accumulation and policy advantages, play a leading role in demonstration, and release new development momentum and seize new opportunities in digital transformation.

  Wide application of Industrial Internet

  In the process of digital transformation in the high-tech zone, building a complete digital infrastructure and creating a mature digital ecology are the "must-haves".

The "Plan" proposes to support the promotion of digitalization of park infrastructure, build and improve communication network infrastructure such as 5G and the Internet of Things, and actively deploy new technology infrastructure such as artificial intelligence and industrial Internet.

  In the high-tech zone of Jining City, Shandong Province, the industrial Internet platform system based on cloud storage and big data centers plays an important role in accelerating the digital transformation of manufacturing and promoting the development of advanced manufacturing.

The person in charge of Jining High-tech Zone introduced that Shantui Construction Machinery Co., Ltd., a key enterprise in the zone, built around the industrial Internet platform, connected more than 40,000 sets (sets) of equipment, and served 18 upstream and downstream enterprises.

The world's first 5G unmanned remote control bulldozer based on this platform has been applied in actual production.

  According to the blue paper "China Internet Development Report 2022" released by the China Cyberspace Research Institute in November, as of June this year, China has more than 3,100 "5G+Industrial Internet" projects under construction, and more than 150 characteristic platforms with certain industry and regional influence. , the number of connected industrial equipment exceeded 78 million units (sets), and the total number of industrial APPs exceeded 590,000.

"5G+Industrial Internet" inserts digital "wings" into the manufacturing industry and injects new vitality into development.

  "Digital infrastructure such as 5G and industrial Internet is an important support for industrial development, and must be highly valued and deployed in advance." Zhang Xiaotong, chief engineer of China Industrial Internet Research Institute, suggested that it is necessary to strengthen 5G and industrial Internet technology research, and promote the integration of 5G technology and industrial control technology , build and improve the national industrial Internet big data center system, and create a mature and complete digital ecology.

  Digital Transformation Is a "Compulsory Course"

  In order to further promote the digital construction of the high-tech zone, the "Plan" proposes to support the park in building a digital technology innovation system, cultivate a number of digital workshops and smart factories, and deploy a number of international-level industrial Internet platforms and digital transformation promotion centers.

  Walking into Gujia Furnishing's "Future Factory" located in Linjiang Hi-Tech Park, Qiantang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, the changes brought about by digital transformation are real and tangible - cutting, edge banding, punching, packaging, and the perfect connection between each process ; Between square inches, the manipulator flashes and moves, and completes intelligent sorting and other actions without error... Thanks to the application of industrial Internet, robots and other technologies, the order production cycle of the company's customized cabinet products has been shortened from 72 hours to 24 hours , The utilization rate of raw materials increased by 5%, the labor cost decreased by about 25%, and the production efficiency and manufacturing capacity were greatly improved.

  The advantages of production efficiency improvement, intelligent management, and digital transformation of the manufacturing industry are constantly being highlighted. Similar "digital butterfly changes" are being staged in many places in China.

"Xingcheng Special Steel", a subsidiary of CITIC Pacific Special Steel Group, is a "new manufacturing" benchmarking enterprise in Jiangyin High-tech Zone, Jiangsu Province. The "whole-process digital platform for steel asset transfer" created by the company has been successfully launched recently.

"Our platform comprehensively uses technologies such as the Internet of Things and big data to automatically track and collect data from more than 28,000 collection points and 18 entire processes, realizing the traceability of the entire industrial chain from raw materials to products, and improving the overall efficiency of equipment by 20% %, the quality traceability period has been reduced from 8 hours to 1 second." said the relevant person in charge of the company.

  "Digital transformation is not a 'multiple-choice question', but a 'compulsory course' related to survival and long-term development. It is a new track that must be followed." Gu Wenyu, deputy director of the Jiangyin High-tech Zone Management Committee, introduced that Jiangyin High-tech Zone is based on the manufacturing industry. Enterprises are the mainstay, but the land space is small and the factor resources are tight, so the development mode of "paving the ground" is unsustainable.

In the future, the high-tech zone will make good use of its existing experience and advantages, continue to promote the digital transformation and upgrading of enterprises, and help enterprises improve production quality and efficiency.

  Unleash the new vitality of the digital economy

  "Blockchain technology has the characteristics of complete information and authentic data. In the traceability of the whole life cycle of new energy vehicle power batteries, key data can be stored on the blockchain to realize the judgment of battery quality and residual value, and serve Battery manufacturers and new energy vehicle companies." At the "Intelligent Transformation and Digital Transformation" Industry Forum recently held in the National High-tech Zone of Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, new industries, new formats, and new models such as the integration and development of digital technology and green and low-carbon industries , becoming one of the focuses of the participating companies' exchanges and discussions.

  Industry insiders believe that high-tech zones should be encouraged to actively cultivate emerging digital industries such as artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, and blockchain, and create advantageous digital industry clusters; support parks to explore scene innovation, improve the scene promotion mechanism, and explore and launch the first-ever first-ever application scenarios to unleash the new vitality of the digital economy.

  The "Plan" clearly targets cutting-edge technology and industrial transformation fields such as gene technology, quantum information, hydrogen energy and energy storage, and deploys a number of future industries in a forward-looking manner to guide the development of high-tech zones.

A few days ago, the "Quantum Information Future Industry Science and Technology Park" with China University of Science and Technology and Hefei High-tech Zone as the main body settled in Hefei, Anhui Province, and became one of the first batch of pilot cultivation units for the construction of future industry science and technology parks in the country.

  The relevant person in charge of the Science and Technology Bureau of Hefei High-tech Zone stated that they will speed up the exploration of the innovation model of "discipline + industry", build future industrial application scenarios, improve the innovation and entrepreneurship ecology, seize the commanding heights of future development, and strive to create future industrial innovation and incubation highlands for the follow-up Accumulate experience in future industry cultivation and development.

  Jin Chen