“We are much more stable in this respect.

In this sense, Russia, no matter how strange it may seem in the face of sanctions, is now an island of stability, ”RIA Novosti quotes him as saying on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Cooperation (APEC) summit.

Belousov added that the development of events in the Russian economy is easier to predict than in other countries.

“As for Europe, the situation is different there.

You need to understand that the matter is not only in the recession, the recession is a kind of consequence, ”the Deputy Prime Minister emphasized.

Belousov recalled that the markets in Europe "set in motion" back in 2021.

Earlier, Natalia Milchakova, a leading analyst at Freedom Finance Global, in an interview with RT, commented on the European Commission's autumn forecast that at the end of the year most EU member states will enter a recession.

According to her, these events will not pose a big threat to Russia, as the country has significantly reduced both exports and imports from EU countries.