• Housing Feijóo proposes to create a fund with the bank and recover the deduction for housing to alleviate mortgages

The deduction for the first home that, at least partially, the PP now wants to recover is still very present for a significant part of citizens: just over three million taxpayers enjoy this advantage in their tax returns.

3.194 million filers

, specifically, who save

almost 2,000 million euros

annually adding the national and regional part, according to data from the Tax Agency for 2020.

Most of the beneficiaries are in the income bracket of between 30,000 and 60,000 euros, where more than one million settlements are concentrated.

The following is that of 12,000 to 21,000 euros, with 900,000 settlements, and another 770,000 declarations are concentrated in the range of 12,000 to 21,000 euros.

That is, the

pure middle class

that still has many years left to finish paying off its credits and which, furthermore, does not benefit from fiscal repayment of its loans at all.

All these figures are far from the more than six million taxpayers who in 2008

saved more than 5,400 million

euros, but even so it is a relevant fact if one takes into account that the benefit is limited to those mortgages prior to 2013 and, in addition, with certain conditions.

The deduction for primary residence was a very powerful deduction that in 2009 was limited by the then Prime Minister,

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero

, for incomes below 24,000 euros.

This has already reduced the number of beneficiaries very significantly, and precisely for this reason, then the leader of the opposition,

Mariano Rajoy,

promised to reverse this situation.

And he did, but the truth is that the economic situation and the pressure from Brussels made the

popular president

ended up eliminating the deduction and leaving a transitory regime for those credits formalized before 2013. These days PP and PSOE blame each other for the end of the deduction, but what happened is that one (Zapatero) cut it notably and the other (Rajoy) definitively ended the tax advantage.

This exchange of reproaches is due to the fact that, as has been pointed out,

Alberto Núñez Feijó

has proposed that the deduction be partially recovered in the face of the rise in interest rates, the rise in mortgage prices and the impoverishment that families are suffering.

Precisely yesterday, the financial manager of the PP, Juan Bravo, specified the popular proposal.

«The deduction for the purchase of housing for mortgages already signed would have a temporary character of two years;

it would reach rents of up to 40,000 euros, expandable up to 60,000;

It would be calculated on 5% of the capital, 15% of the interest with a base limit of 5,000 euros, which represents

a maximum deduction of 750 euros per family and home

", developing.

In addition, he requested that "the negotiation for the extension of the useful life of mortgages to lower the fee" be facilitated.

But the requests of the PP, especially in the case of the housing deduction, will hardly be accepted by the Government.

First, because the simple fact that it starts from Genoa makes it very difficult for it to be accepted in Moncloa.

And second, because from the Executive they remember that this deduction was eliminated as it was considered one of the reasons why the

real estate bubble was generated


In the economic world, this conviction is very present, as is the ease with which mortgage loans were granted for 100% of the value of the property.

And along the way, the acquisition of a home that was previously almost simple, has now become almost impossible for many families.

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