China News Service, November 7 (Zhongxin Finance and Economics Ge Cheng) According to the notice from the National Development and Reform Commission, from 24:00 on November 7, 2022, the domestic gasoline and diesel prices will increase by 155 yuan and 150 yuan per ton respectively.

Following the last round of oil price hikes, the current round of oil prices will show a "two consecutive rises" trend.

  This round is the 21st price adjustment of domestic oil prices in 2022. After the price adjustment, refined oil products will show a pattern of "13 rises, seven falls and one stranded" during the year.

The agency estimates that the price adjustment is equivalent to an increase of 0.12 yuan per liter of No. 92 gasoline, an increase of 0.13 yuan per liter of No. 95 gasoline, and an increase of 0.13 yuan per liter of No. 0 diesel.

After this round of price adjustments, No. 95 gasoline in many places will return to the "9 yuan era".

Data map: Gas station.

Photo by Ge Cheng of China-Singapore Finance

  Taking an ordinary private car with a fuel tank capacity of 50L as an example, after this price adjustment, the owner will spend about 6 yuan more to fill up a tank of fuel.

In terms of diesel, a large truck with a fuel tank capacity of 160L will cost about 20.8 yuan more to fill up a tank of fuel.

  Wang Shan, senior analyst of Jinlianchuang refined oil products, said that since the current round of pricing cycle, the international oil price has fluctuated higher due to the intertwining of negative and positive factors.

  Among them, there are three main positive factors for oil prices, namely, the decline in total crude oil inventories in the United States, the continuous decline in the US dollar index, and the official implementation of the production reduction plan by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its partners (OPEC+); there are two negative factors, namely, the Fed raising interest rates. , and the economic contraction trend shown by macro data, making the market worry that oil demand may continue to slow down.

The previous price adjustments of domestic refined oil products in 2022.

(Data source: National Development and Reform Commission)

  The next round of domestic refined oil price adjustment window will open at 24:00 on November 21.

  "Based on the current international crude oil price level, the next round of refined oil price adjustments will show an upward trend at the beginning." Li Yan, an analyst at Longzhong Information, said that at present, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and its partners have begun to reduce production. New Western sanctions against Russia are also in progress. Under the tight supply and geopolitical risks, it is expected that the next round of refined oil prices will increase with a high probability.

  Wang Shan also holds the same point of view, "From the perspective of the market outlook, crude oil is affected by news such as the Fed's interest rate hike and OPEC and its partners' production cuts, international oil prices may show a trend of first decline and then rise, and the news may maintain moderate and positive guidance. ."(Finish)