The labor market has changed the traditional dynamics it presents.

The number of unemployed registered in the Public Employment Services Offices, at the end of October, fell by 27,027 people in relation to the previous month.

In relative values, the drop in unemployment was 0.92%.

In this way, registered unemployment stood at 2,914,892 people.

October is a month in which what was expected, until now, was that unemployment would increase.

Already last year the behavior was the opposite as a result of the recovery from the Covid-19 crisis.

This year the decline has been accentuated, reducing unemployment in all sectors and with a sharp increase in permanent contracts, which is what is established by the labor reform approved last April.

The indefinite contracts for the month of October are divided, in terms of the duration of their working day, into 263,759 full-time, 173,742 part-time and 259,834 permanent discontinuous.

Compared to October 2021: the former have increased by 150,312 (132.50%), the latter have increased by 117,859 (210.90%) and the latter have increased by 230,668 (790.88%).

Discontinuous fixed contracts are a modality already present in the legislation before the labor reform but with the new framework in force since last April they have gained great prominence.

By establishing the indefinite modality as a contracting rule, these contracts have become a temporary replacement resource that, in statistical terms, do not count as unemployment when their workers are inactive.

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