The Greens demand that industry profiteers from a gas price brake waive dividend and bonus payments.

“We need focus on those who really need help.

This also means that large companies that receive support should not pay high dividends and bonuses at the same time," Greens Vice-Chairman Andreas Audretsch told the Reuters news agency on Monday.

"It's good that the budget committee has already decided with the votes of the traffic light coalition." It is now important to find regulations that are fair, at the same time avoid bureaucracy and work quickly.

"The problems of many companies are serious, so it is crucial that the support reaches the companies quickly."

The Gas Commission rightly says that, regardless of the energy source, the focus should be primarily on people with small and medium incomes and companies that have been hit particularly hard.

In its final report, the Commission did not give a clear answer to the contentious question of whether companies that benefit from energy aid are allowed to pay dividends.

Despite its high gas requirements, the world's largest chemical company BASF has already announced that it intends to forgo the aid if possible - also with reference to the question of dividends.