In Hong Kong, where there are concerns about the decline of its position as a financial center in Asia, an event was held to exhibit FinTech technology that fuses finance and IT.

It is believed that the Hong Kong government aims to increase its presence through cutting-edge events.

In Hong Kong, an event named "Fintech Week" started on the 31st, with about 500 companies and organizations setting up booths to introduce the latest technologies and products.

At the venue, there was also a corner where visitors could experience creating their own digital alter ego "avatar", and many people were interested.

In addition, Hong Kong Finance Minister Chen Maobo said in an online greeting, "I would like to bring about financial innovation together with people involved in digital assets such as crypto assets."

Bitcoin and other crypto assets are completely banned in mainland China, but they are not restricted in Hong Kong under the one country, two systems policy.

On the other hand, the Hong Kong National Security Law, which cracks down on anti-government movements, has been enforced, and as China's influence grows, there are concerns that Hong Kong's status as a financial center in Asia will decline.

It is believed that the Hong Kong government aims to increase its presence through events that showcase cutting-edge technology.