The financial results of Nidec, a major electronic component company, from April to last month were the highest ever for both sales and final profits at this time.

The main reasons for this were strong sales of motors for home appliances and game consoles, and the weaker yen boosting earnings.

According to the financial results of the entire group from April to last month announced by Nidec,

▽ sales increased by 24.2% from the same period of the previous year to 1,130.7 billion yen, and

▽ the final profit was It increased by 30.1% to 86.6 billion yen,

both of which were record highs for this period.

This was mainly due

to strong sales

of small motors for home appliances and game consoles, and large motors for power generators,

as well as an

increase in earnings due to the impact of the depreciation of the yen. It's a factor.

Nidec Chairman Shigenobu Nagamori held an online press conference on the 24th and said, "I returned to CEO = Chief Executive Officer, but I think it is important to quickly recover business performance. Now the corporate culture is I think we are in a state of confusion, and I would like to create a new system in April next year and return to the starting point to rebuild the company."