Guillaume Dominguez, edited by Ophélie Artaud 07:09, October 21, 2022

The situation continues to improve at service stations.

Europe 1 went to one of them, in the Paris region, and met motorists relieved to be able to refuel on the eve of the All Saints holidays.

As for the strike, it continues in only two refineries.

The improvement is confirmed at service stations.

The strike movement in the refineries is showing signs of running out of steam.

A strike maintained until next Friday at the TotalEnergies site in Gonfreville, Normandy.

Another blockage maintained, without specifying the date, that of Feyzin, in the Rhône.

Less than 17% of service stations are in a situation of shortage.

Everything will be back to normal in the next few days.

The French can leave confident, says Elisabeth Borne this Friday morning in



And on the eve of the All Saints holidays, some did not wait to take their precautions.

Europe 1 went to a station in the Paris region.


"I saw that there was diesel, so I took the opportunity to fill up."

After three service stations closed, Justine can finally breathe.

She knows that she will be able to leave for the holidays.

"We had planned to leave for my birthday. We saw the situation starting to get worse and my tank starting to drop more and more. I knew I couldn't make the trip to Étretat. And there, like I saw that there was diesel, I say to myself 'it's good, I'll fill up and I'll be able to leave serenely'. I'm relieved."

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Relief also at the nearby pump.

José fills the tank of his minivan.

This father also feared not being able to leave.

"It's a relief because I'm going on vacation on Sunday and there, it's good, I can do 600-700 kilometers."

And even at 2.66 euros per liter of diesel, like many, José told Europe 1 not to count at the moment to refuel.

"The prices are a second parameter today, we need to drive, we take the prices that there are."

If he sat on the price of fuel, José wants to remain cautious.

Question of mileage, for the holidays, there is no longer any question of traveling more than 1,000 kilometers to get to Spain.

It will be Normandy, 200 kilometers from Paris.