“The price of oil depends on a fairly large number of factors.

In addition to market factors, which maintain their positions, there are geopolitical factors.

First of all, this is the sanctions factor, which is gaining momentum,” the analyst explained.

He recalled that from December 5, the EU embargo on the import of Russian oil transported by sea will come into force.

According to him, this greatly affects the state of the market.

“This is the factor that can influence further price increases.

The expectation of a ban will push buyers to buy volumes with a margin, ”he said.

Mishchenko also named the factors influencing the fall in prices, among which is the recession in the eurozone.

“In the next few weeks, the price will remain at the same level – from $90 to $100 per barrel, if nothing serious happens,” the expert concluded.

Earlier, Natalya Milchakova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, commented on the situation on the world oil market.