The new electricity bill will include, in addition to information on the consumption of neighbors or a rate comparator, a specific section on the impact of the gas cap approved by the Government in mid-June.

It will do so, yes, without references to costs, payments, surcharges or taxes, since the Executive will publish in the BOE the

exact paragraph

that must be included by the marketers who decide to break down the impact on the bill of the measure.

The Third Vice President and Minister of Ecological Transition,

Teresa Ribera

, explained that they want to avoid "creative descriptions".

According to sources from the Ministry of Ecological Transition, what Moncloa wants is

to prevent the bill from talking about charges, taxes, payments or costs

to refer to the Iberian mechanism and compensation to electricity companies, because they are considered to be terms that do not have much to do with the nature of the concept.

In this way, a standardized nomenclature will be sought which, in any case, should only appear if the electricity company decides to break down the compensation to the gas companies on the bill.

The measure, these same sources point out, is clearly positive and the Government wants it to be known.

Teresa Ribera appeared at the press conference after the Council of Ministers to detail the 18 measures of the +Energy Security Plan that have been approved with the latest Royal Decree.

"We believe that it is essential to clarify what the application of the Iberian mechanism represents , given

the way in which this information has been communicated

to a very large part of consumers on their bills."

As he pointed out, it is not mandatory to transfer this adjustment to the price of gas: "It is mandatory to pay for gas at the market price, but the companies can decide whether to transfer all or part of it to final consumers."

Thus, he believes that if they want to transfer it - something he considers "legitimate" - they must present "in a standardized way what the application of that mechanism is called."

And this is where those creative qualifiers that companies use "when they try to explain to us that we have to pay part of that gas adjustment on the bills" come in.

In addition, the minister detailed, information will be incorporated on what the average price of the adjustment has been in the last calendar month.

The average cost for adjustment and the impact it has on the wholesale market will be published.

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  • Theresa Rivera

  • electricity bill