The Budgets have

numerous and notable shortcomings

, the income forecasts are so "cautious" that

they are not at all realistic

and the growth figures are not the most accurate either.

The president of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF), Cristina Herrero, has attacked public accounts in her appearance before the Congressional Budget Commission, making clear the body's dissatisfaction with the Government's activity, and has also advanced that the economy is in a clear slowdown.

In fact, Herrero has pointed out that there is a clear "worsening of forecasts for the second semester compared to what was forecast in May".

The indicators, added the president of AIReF, "point to stagnation already in the third quarter", and in the fourth, that is, in the current one, the organization

already anticipates a contraction of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)


This last point was something that had come up in several presentations and estimates, such as those of the Bank of Spain and BBVA Research, but Herrero has been very clear about it.

In addition, she estimates that the economic reactivation will not take place until mid-2023 and

it will be necessary to wait until the first quarter of 2024

for the GDP to recover its pre-pandemic levels.

It is the same estimate made by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) or the BdE itself, and assumes that the Spanish economy will have accumulated almost five years lost.

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